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Casual reminder to Ignore the anti-union propaganda from corporate America.

If unions were actually bad for workers, corporations wouldn't need to spend millions of dollars on union-busting.

Happy weed day to those that celebrate. 🍃🍃

@bryan @julia I have also said at one point that software should never be an experience, because if you are experiencing the software instead of the task that means the software is getting in the way or distracting you or both. The ideal user experience, IMO, is one where the software disappears entirely.

@gabrielesvelto @kbrosnan @fabrice @mhoye @mconley

I realise this thread has strayed way off its original topic, but... hot take:

Mozilla should bring back Firefox OS.

Putting decade-old company politics aside it was the most innovative and potentially disruptive thing Mozilla ever built, before and since, and is needed now more than ever.

For smartphones maybe, but also all manner of other smart devices where owning the OS is the only effective way to disrupt the incumbents.

i will have some availability to take on new client work in may! if there's anywhere my experience in graphics, full stack web development, game design/development, programming languages, or distributed systems can be helpful -- please reach out!

you'll not only be supporting me but my cooperative @emma too, which means supporting a democratically managed worker-owned workplace! which is cool!!!

boosts welcome!

Love how Mastodon embeds a different URL in the post content compared to the `href` in the `tag` array for the `Mention` object. 🤪

It may just be due to me using an ancient version of it.

I wish fantasy style magic was real. I'd love to have a levitation spell 😭 Might help with this joint pain.

Feels very satisfying to make it under the "perfect" number of moves in these sliding block puzzles. I wonder if they're made by algorithm or by humans.

Great article with analogies to how the destruction of "scientific forestry" relates to the destruction of online diversity with social media and growth hacking tech.

Pitch: A reality TV show called "Extreme Adulting"

People with ADHD complete terrible tasks such as:

- filing their taxes
- making an appointment by phone
- cleaning out their junk closet without dying by avalance when they open the door
- moving across the country
- finding their keys

But! Our Heros are not working alone.

They are paired with our Fab Focus team: a behavioral coach, a social worker, an organization expert, and a psychologist.

Together, the Fab Focus and our heroes will tackle and complete the most daunting of adulting tasks!

Whoa. This seems really important. New study suggests that changing the charging protocol from the presently common constant current charge to a high frequency pulsed square wave current could DOUBLE the lifetime of Li-ion batteries.

i.e. the 8 year life of an EV battery back could be extended to a much more reasonable 16 years. That's huge.

I'm an abandonware radicalist; not only should abandoned software have its source released, abandoned hardware should be opened up to development to stop it being ewaste.

Food troubles 

That time of the week again when I forget to eat for too long and it becomes hard to figure out what to eat 🤪

Itching to get an eGPU just for accelerating AI workloads on my lil GPD Win 4.

My Oculink port is just sitting here collecting dust.

Oh, here's a visualization I made for an algorithm I developed for reducing the number of connections needed for a swarm of peers with limited knowledge of network topology.

Maybe I should start cold calling research groups to see if they want some tech stuff. I'm thinking distributed compute or databases or verilog could be useful.

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Every time I do tech support for my family I get very angry about people who whine about lacking "tech literacy".

90% of the stuff I have to teach them is how to navigate manipulative software and dark patterns. This has nothing to do with tech, but with capitalism. Tech is not complicated, it is just made maximally confusing on purpose to remove agency.

Better tech ed won't fix this.

As much as I love tinkering with computers, I wish I could afford to tinker with biological systems too. 😭

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.