i'm really excited to show https://compost.party to the world! it's a web server running on an old, broken phone, getting energy from the sun using one of those portable solar chargers that you may also have lying around.
it's a real oddity and a real beauty
I get I'm a weirdo but it still boggles my mind how much RAM vs code gobbles during normal operation. Especially when you have a "language server" running. This rust one is taking like 2.5 GB for a ~200 line file.
Every time I see my system chug to a halt when I add a new token to the tree for it to analyze I keep wanting to go back to nano. 😿
Why not here?
“WaterBottle, a worker-owned cooperative, is one such example. It includes a property management division and construction service under its umbrella and spreads control of the operation among its employees, with no formal hierarchy and a one-person, one-vote system of governance. It owns 22 properties in West Baltimore, where it’s restoring dilapidated buildings and renting them out with first dibs offered to the workers.”
My hot take is that implementing ActivtyPub and getting it to talk to different implementations is not all that hard. I have had to do stuff that turns my brain inside out and "Oh what json properties do I need in this HTTP API with lots of examples in existing implementations" is a cakewalk. It just takes some time and tinkering.
This post by @maggie has some great ideas on how #LLM tech can help enable #LocalFirst applications for regular folks. I've been wanting to do something similar within @agregore some day with local LLMs helping people author p2p web apps.
I was so excited I forgot to add the video! This is a single 7.5W laser running at 30kHz sample rate, the tracking is essentially a travelling salesman algorithm. Oh and the laser control software is all Seb’s too. Go check out Seb’s work! Truly terrific stuff https://seblee.co #asteroids #laser #emfcamp
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.