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Wasn't it either. Been spending like 3 hours on this at this point 🥲 Might need to copy some more random configs into obscure locations?

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Looks like the reason I can't use my wacom tablet is due to the wacom driver not being signed and getting ignored by Secure Boot.

I need to generate a signing key and rebuild the driver from source so I can use it 🙃

New Mozilla TOS diff. This is what they just removed:

* Does Firefox sell your personal data?

> Nope. Never have, never will. And we protect you from many of the advertisers who do. Firefox products are designed to protect your privacy. That’s a promise.

The purpose of the new TOS appears to be to enable them to do this - such as for their advertising and AI sidelines.

"House of leaves" is an interesting book but parts of it are very much not screen reader friendly. Just pages and pages of random sounding names

One of these days I'll end up making that AI gangstalking tool and accidentally sic it onto myself. 🤪

I've seen some stuff on tiktok where folks just ask ChatGPT leading questions about things that patently make no sense and it'll just feed into it and add exciting new details in an authoritative tone. Meanwhile people in the comments will start spewing their personal delusions and "conspiracy theories" to further rabbithole each other from reality.

It's actually so over.

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ChatGPT is scary because it's a "yes and" machine for feeding into people's delusions. The lower information someone is the more at risk they are to get sucked into niche belief systems while being fed endless streams of affirming bullshit.

You know what to do #Ontario

Discouraging voters is an intentional strategy. Vote anyway.

Bruh, it's snowy out there. I thought it'd be a casual stroll but came home with a few mm of snow on my head :P

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canada politics 

Fucking hell somebody's been trying to convince my family members to vote for the "people's party" which is our "far right" party full of neo nazis / white supremacists. 😭

Tensorflow is fun because you can make bonkers amounts of math happen with just a few bits of code.

It'd be cool if one could do similar stuff i UIUA just due to how it enables bonkers amounts of math to happen in it too.

Theo Moudakis // #Toronto Star

This election may be your last chance to vote out #DougFord -- today he said he wants to be Premier of Ontario 'forever'.

#onpoli #cdnpoli #ontario #canada #voteFeb27

Instead of doom scrolling I'm reading up on recurrent neural networks and transformer models.

On the 10th I'll be teaching some folks a bit about autoencoders with this "Neural spatial curves" project I've been working on. Hopefully I can get this model visualizer tool together in time

honestly I would prefer if cash did not rule everything around me

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.