body pains
The flesh really do be deteriorating. I've slowed the destruction of my front paws somewhat but a lot of other parts haven't been addressed yet. Maybe access to gym equipment to strengthen it will help a bit. Some of my pals swear by running so maybe there's a balance there that I can take vs the pain. Maybe eventually it'll be mild enough that I can sleep comfortably.
Are there people out there who are looking at #LLM/AI-generated content as pollution?
Because that is the analogy that makes the most sense to me. It's creating huge externalities for the profit of a few - proliferating enormous amounts of digital pollution (as well as real-world greenhouse gas pollution).
The more #AI/LLM churn out content for the internet, the dirtier the water, so to speak. Or the air. And the less it functions for users.
Data brokers are launching an attack on proposed CA legislation #SB362 that would let people opt out from all #databroker services en masse. Because they know everyone will do it if they can. The #DELETEAct would be good for Californians. Tell your legislator you support it and don't let these dodgy businesses kill it.
We need your support!
We need to grow our donations or consider cutting costs (like sunsetting non-essential services) to remain sustainable.
Besides Pixelfed, we also run, and
Donations can be made via:
Liberapay -
Open Collective -
Patreon -
Spread the word! #pixelfed
In a country where nearly every iota of our psyches and our physical spaces has been captured for the purpose of generating a profit, the ongoing existence of public libraries feels not just radical, but astonishing.
I canʼt believe I have to tell people this, but
- Donʼt buy smart home shit
- Donʼt download an app to get a free smoothie
- Donʼt sign up for something you heard about in a piece of junk mail
- Donʼt create an account with fucking McDonald's or Chipotleʼs or whatever
- Donʼt use a coupon or a discount for something you werenʼt going to buy anyway
- Donʼt sign up for free trials
- Donʼt let the devil in through the front door
- Donʼt let them sell you anything
You will not come out ahead.
The fediverse occipies an interesting part of my social sphere where I mostly talk about work stuff (my primary hobby) and random rants.
In contrast I have some small group chats with a few folks from meatspace where I exclusively shitpost and share political toots.
Then in meatspace proper is when I go full goofball mode and also where I share my feelings.
It's fun having different spaces to explore different aspects of myself.
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.