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tech vent 

I think I am particulrly sensitive to my information streams being disrupted because I am very much a cyborg and these are my sensory organs that are suddenly being ripped out.

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tech vent 

All the graphical email clients suck and they either use gigabytes of ram or don't support basic shit like using DNS SRV records to lookup server info for account setup. Usually both plus some extra bullshit. I'm going joker mode and dropping everything until I have my own client.

I'd almost switch to Windows at this point just so I don't have to mess around with configs and re-loging into all my email accounts every month.

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LMAO and it completely fucked my email client. Remind me why should I bother updating software ever? Every update I get just makes my system worse and more unstable.

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Just updated my and it turns out they broke the MDNS support so I can't resolve `.local` domains again. It's literally one line of code what bullshit reason could they have for disabling this. The cherry on top is that the readonly filesystem means I'd lose this setting on every update if I enable it manually

"Most anarchists always wear black. However, knowledgeable intellectual anarchists occasionally avoid wearing black in order to subvert preconceptions about the way that anarchists dress. Very knowledgeable intellectual anarchists subvert the stereotype of how knowledgeable anarchist intellectuals occasionally avoid wearing black by never avoiding wearing black. The really really knowledgeable intellectual anarchists realize that it doesn't matter what you wear as long as you (1) hate the government, and (2) never use a coaster. And the extremely really really really knowledgeable intellectual anarchist wear nothing at all except combat boots and a black silk cape with the anarchy sign on it."

@Gmaclennan Have you thought ahout ditching hypercore oplogs for replicating at the sqlite storage layer? Merkalize the b tree and have sql as your primiyive and sync the source trees from other writers (still runs into paralell writers issue hut maybe merged can happen more efficiently that way too?

The real truth is I can schrdule more time for art in my free time instead of tv or something. Just gotta get around the hand pain 😅😅😅

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AI (fancy matrix math) tools for cellular automata are cool and also scary when you connect that with cybernetics (not scifi, academia)

Low key wish I could maintain my current quality of life using art instead of coding sometimes.

Every now and then I am reminded that I am anomalous in my interests.

@requiem Considering the nature of the bulk of my searching, I'm beginning to think I'd like a search engine that incorporated:

* 3rd party curated resources (i.e. like a library)
* 1st party curated resources (things I think are reputable)
* Federated search from trusted comrades.
* Last would be some sort of webcrawler. Maybe.

I know this goes against the grain of modern life, but the idea of instant answers seems to have poisoned our minds. We tolerate wrong answers as long as they're fast.

With the enshittification of search engines & the boom in craptastic AI word-vomit machines, I'm starting to wonder if we should go back to making old-school public listings of our favorite sites, especially other ones created by actual humans and with actual valid knowledge contained on them?

Or maybe more librarians could catalog the web for us, since they're pretty expert at that kind of thing.

Because the machine-driven systems we've built are just... *bad*.

#AI #library #web #tech

„Firefox has enabled Cookie Banner Blocker by default in private windows for all users in Germany. Firefox will now auto-refuse cookies and dismiss annoying cookie banners for supported sites.“

Most screen readers say "link" before each link, so links don't need "link" in the link text. For images used as links, the alt text for a graphic doesn't need to say "link" or "link to," as screen readers could say "link graphic link to Products," which is redundant.

"Daily Driving Mobile Linux" posts are too overdone. What about a "Not Daily Driving Android" post?

- I did not get popup ads obscuring my apps.
- I did not have to restart Google Play Services
- I was able to remove the apps my OS came with.
- My phone did not overheat because it is too weak for built-in Google tracking.
- My phone did not get a virus from the official app sources.
- I didn't have Sudoku 2 preinstalled.

#MobileLinux #LinuxMobile #Android #Satire

The only "BS" that "I" will tolerate is WiFi IBSS. 🤪

Announcing the 10th #LoFi (#LocalFirst) meetup on Tuesday, November 28, at 11:00 AM EST. We have another fantastic lineup featuring Greg Svarovsky, Sunil Pai, and @mauve
Make sure to tune in by visiting

Cool thing in the and ecosystem is

tl;dr: Run a server somewhere (like at home), generate a public key for it's identity. Users can access it from either the p2p network directly or any gateway that will automatically route to it.

No need for dns or messing with ip addresses.

I'm thinking it could be handy for users that want to self host at home on their pc.

Jumpscared myself by remembering americans use yards/inches/feet for measurement and they aren't just clean multiples of 100 between units. 💀💀💀

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.