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I think it's a missed opportunity that OS's don't provide a native way to group windows into tabs. I should be able to take any number of windows from any apps and group them together and resize them kinda like a workspace but resizable.

There was stuff in this direction in the past but it looks like it got abandoned and now every app needs to build tabs themselves using their own ui and shortcuts.

Sadly I haven't done anything with s expressions since I tried making a small language in it as a teen and playing with WebAssembly when WAT first came out.

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Honestly, every time I have to deal with ASTs I wish S Expressions won over c-likes.

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For me, the Internet literally was black and white & white—and sometimes black & amber or green.
And it came in about as fast as I could read it, cuz yes I had 300bps at first and then got 1200 when neighbor in the dorm moved up to 2400.

I think my strategy with most things (game wise) is to slowly accumulate power until I overwhelm my opponents with might.

Kinda why I like playing green token decks in Magic The Gathering.

Uuuugh. Phi3 is so stupid it gets stuck in loops and fixates on calling random functions instead of just generating text.

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Felt pretty crappy today after my initial rush so I took the evening to work on my AI assistant named Mind Goblin. I refactored how tool use works and hooked it up to my clipboard.

Next time I have inspiration I'll give it speech input and a voice.

Anyone interested in playing slow asynchronous games of polytopia?

Gonna ditch bothering with graphical media players and use a systemd service for music playing from my smb share.

I love Mondays. Refreshed from the weekend. No meetings so I can actually code and write. Maybe I'll have time to actually cook a yummy lunch today.

1990 Internet: You gotta be a hacker to find anything on the web

2000 Internet: Literally all the information in the world accessible to everyone so easy a toddler could do it

2020 Internet: You gotta be a hacker to find anything on the web

One thing about the Microsoft Recall thing is it's defs going to be used to train AI to make a sort of "Digital Twin" of people using computers. At least I'm guessing that's why they want all this user data.

I'm disappointed in how hacking works in real life. I'd played enough video games to have an idea how it would go, but I've been hacking games and hardware for like a decade now and not even once have I had to solve a pipe maze puzzle

With the impending doom of ICQ in June and the new crappy version of Teams coming in July, I would like to post this meme one final time

#ICQ #Teams #Microsoft #MicrosoftTeams

I got ahold of the Copilot+ software.

Recall uses a bunch of services themed CAP - Core AI Platform. Enabled by default.

It spits constant screenshots (the product brands then “snapshots”, but they’re hooked screenshots) into the current user’s AppData as part of image storage.

The NPU processes them and extracts text, into a database file.

The database is SQLite, and you can access it as the user including programmatically. It 100% does not need physical access and can be stolen.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.