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Practical use for a tail: using it to hold a lantern over you so you can use both hands to open a map when in a dark cavern

how to browse the web in 2024

1. open site
2. close email subscription pop up
3. close push notifications
4. dismiss cookies pop up
5. dismiss the request for your location
6. close the "did you find what your were looking for?" dialog
7. apologize to those around you for the loud swearing
8. try to remember why you opened the site in the first place

I love open source software and being able to fix stuff and recompile 😭💜

Linux is fun because I need to do a bunch of incantations to figure out why my mirrors throw 404s when trying to install gdb.

i will say though it's more fun than outdoors these days since it's so hot and mosquito covered and everything costs money to do. 😅

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No man's sky is a really pretty game but the gameplay is so bland and samey to me. I feel like I need more novel stimulus in ideas than "go to planet and do the exact same thing as any other planet"

Did You Know?

you can write your own #irc server in less time than it takes to read the discord privacy policy and terms of service

It's my fault for not sticking to whatever the most popular version of everything is.

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Open source VR and open source LLMs are things I enjoy tinkering with but are also things that are a massive pain in the ass to get running reliably. Blew another few hours down the drain trying to get some VR shit to work today with no success. 😭

Sometimes I read SciFi stories with horrible dystopias and think "this seems less stressful than reality"

When I was growing up, I was promised, sometimes implicitly and sometimes explicitly, that if I followed the rules that the authorities told me to follow, the system would grant me a comfortable life.

What I discovered was that the rules are arbitrary and variable and impossible to follow perfectly, the authorities are arbitrary and variable and impossible to understand perfectly, and the promises were lies they told to prompt my compliance with the system.

I'm firmly convinced that at least 50% of online interactions don't have to happen at all. Someone could just see something, go "Huh." and scroll past.

It's like "Could have been an email" except it didn't really have to be anything at all.

babe are you ok? you’ve barely even touched your previous instructions

The irony is not lost on me that the Internet Archive went out of its way to acquire the physical versions of millions of books and loan them out carefully and in a limited way, and is facing a near-extinction-level event over it, while for-profit and VC-backed companies are just stealing people’s content and making up excuses to validate the bad behavior.

I guess most humans are pretty comfy with their physical form or the natural ways to agument it?

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Where do I find all the folks wanting to be cyborgs or some flavor of transhuman?

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.