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Putting together my first project with today.

Gonna make a lil 3dof collage for my partner with photos of our cats.

Neat, came accross this alternative to the

Seems to be aimed mostly at retro gamers but it also has a vr mode for some reason. I wonder if it can run linux >:)

BTW for anyone into and , I have a matrix channel set up where we chat about that stuff and how it overlaps with decentralized systems.

It works! Huge thanks to the community for helping debug.

If anyone else ends up trying to get running with on their machine with and , I've summarized my notes here:

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I love that feeling when I change to a new input device and have to start relearning the muscle memory for all of my keyboard shortcuts.

it's funny when I keep hitting the wrong key and accidentally mess up

K! Take six on trying to get to work. If it does this would be good timing with me trying to get into

Still need to figure out an input device however. I really want a controller based input scheme to start so I don't need to deal with hand tracking and all that.

@screaminggoat @mttaggart conversely, as someone who works in cyber insurance, and sees that the amount of data held is one of the biggest drivers of incident costs, I’d *love* to see less personal data being held by companies and moved around.

Been doing a bit better at letting my body rest when sick instead of pushing through but the productivity hit so frustrating. An entire day and then some lost to a cold TT_TT

document.querySelectorAll("html *").forEach(e=>`translate(${(Math.random()*8)-4}px,${(Math.random()*8)-4}px) rotate(${(Math.random()*2)-1}deg)`)

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I'm a major boomer when it comes to using apps but boy do I love digging around system logs and command line tools 🥰🥰🥰

Operating systems like iOS and Android are designed as media consumption devices (e.g.: for watching TikTok or Instagram). They are barely usable as a general purpose computer.

Several libre mobile operating systems aspire to imitate iOS and Android. With good intent: so that user familiar with these are familiar with the new libre OS.

The downside is that these new libre platforms are not well-designed mobile computer operating systems; they're mostly imitations of media consumption devices.

⟨ " Our economy is dominated by five aging tech giants – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft. In the last twenty years, no company has commercialized a new technology in a way that threatens them. Why?

We argue that the tech giants have learned how to coopt disruption.

They identify potentially disruptive technologies, use their money to influence the startups developing them, strategically dole out access to the resources the startups need to grow, and seek regulation that makes it harder for the startups to compete. When a threat emerges, they buy it off. And after they acquire a startup, they redirect its people and assets to their own innovation needs.

These seemingly unrelated behaviors work together to enable the tech giants to maintain their dominance in the face of disruptive innovations. " ⟩

In addition to the tactics noted in the paper, the manner in which incumbents use standards development organizations and industry consortia to slow-roll anything that disrupts their existing product lines, and try to re-direct anything disruptive to something that they can (barely) incrementally implement is something that is not appreciated enough!

H/T to @pluralistic for his essay which provided the pointer to this paper. Link to essay @

#Competition #startup #bigtech

Honestly I wish I had more use for my knowledge of the source code.

Anyone wanna pay me to get web extensions working on mobile chromium?

Google PR sure is taking its sweet time getting back to me about the finding that Chrome has a hidden extension that allows all * domains to monitor your CPU usage and other private system info. I'm sure they're working just as fast as they can.

High on my todo list is HTTP over app messages with a local daemon that can act as a proxy.

- Register veilid service
- Run local daemon as a proxy (optionally tell it to make a safety route)
- Curl to a unix socket the daemon is listening on
- `Host` header set to the public key for the service
- Encode request as app message to the service
- Response gets sent as an HTTP response down the socket

Bad for large files, good for locally run services / automation.

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Does anyone actually try to hire companies that cold call them about "services" from scraped emails? Like, when is it ever anything but annoying spam. Even if I wanted the service I sure as hell wouldn't trust the person that spammed me about it.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.