teeth, cavities 

Day one of not starting my day with cola pop or energy drinks since a big hunk of my tooth fell off and I don't want to make it worse.

I am absolutely dependent on the caffeine and sugar in these things. 😭

re: teeth, cavities 

@mauve Ew, I am sorry - teeth problems are among the worst :<

Just cutting out the sugar will help so much though and you'll likely feel better in general! As @cblgh mentioned mate and green tea are nice low-acid options for caffeine and if you need a little more kick cold brew coffee seems to have a much lower acid content than 'regular' coffee

re: teeth, cavities 

@nilix @cblgh tbh I think the sugar was the most appealing part and less so the caffeine.

I think I'll try weaning myself off both and see if my adhd meds can just do what they're supposed to instead 😅

re: teeth, cavities 

@mauve @cblgh lol fair enough! here's to health!

re: teeth, cavities 

@nilix @mauve eating probiotics (kimchi, yoghurt etc) can help your gut bacteria change so you feel less sugar cravings fwiw, good luck tho!!

re: teeth, cavities 

@cblgh @mauve True that! Always good to have!

re: teeth, cavities 

@nilix @cblgh dang that's a hot take. I love kimchi so I'lm give it a shot :o

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