
Surprised I haven't come accross any p2p DoS attack tools.

Should be easy as hell to generate thousands of DHT entries that lead to invalid IPs.

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@mauve bit torrent has been in operation for a very long time without DDoS issues afaik. so either there is no incentive, or the bit torrent protocol makes this type of attack difficult to pull off. you've piqued my interest though!
@cuaxolotl @mauve it's an incentives thing, no one has seriously attacked it. Kademlia mainline DHT as implemented doesn't have serious protection against spinning up invalid nodes and shitting up the address space. However, while you can do that trivially (the node IDs are literally just a random 160-bit integer) each node keeps multiple lists of other known nodes at exponentially further away from itself in the keyspace. It periodically polls these nodes for liveness and keeps track of and ranks them according to how long they've been up. So, if you need to find something and you have access to a nodeid/ip combination that you have some out of band means of knowing it's been around for while, you can query it and it will forward requests to its neighbor nodes preferring the longest-lived ones. Effectively this means that if I shit up the network with a million fake nodes tomorrow, but your bitorrent client cache still has nodes from yesterday, your searches will be alright. If you come onto the network for the first time tomorrow though, and you just have to pick a random node to start from, your odds are as bad as what percentage of the nodes on the network are now fake ones. additional problem: just because a node is long-lived doesn't mean it's good, nodes don't really know that except if they try the node's info and it's valid, your node keeps an internal reputation for those nodes but afaik all attempts to make this info shareable to other nodes don't work.

there are some extensions to kademlia that make the node id to be a cryptographic hash and make it dependent on the ip/port so you are extremely limited as an attacker in making plausible fake nodes but i don't know if anybody even uses that and in any case not enough to matter. also problem with that is if your node changes ip/port its reputation has to start over because it will need a new node id. but like i said nobody uses it, but it does demonstrate the difficulty in addressing the problem.

@Moon @cuaxolotl Yeah, I feel like with being more popular lately we'd at least see people attempting black hole attacks on or on some popular NFT collections.

@mauve @cuaxolotl I need to do a deep dive on ipfs sometime because I don't know it as well. I know it's pretty similar but that's all.

I can tell you though that the use of IPFS on NFTs is in significant part a shell game, tons of NFTs use IPFS links for their data but I have found that attempting to look up the data using any IPFS gateway except the marketplace's or special provider's own very frequently just does not work. But that is more of an NFT thing than IPFS thing. The protocol is working fine, the marketplace's gateway is just busted (and they seemingly never get fixed) and no one else is sharing the file so you just have to use a regular HTTPS request to their gateway for the file.

@Moon @cuaxolotl You might enjoy this comparison article I wrote about , and .

It doesn't get super into the weeds on the DHT tho

@mauve @cuaxolotl oh my goodness, I hope I wasn't talking down to you or anything like that! I will be delighted to read your comparison.
@mauve @cuaxolotl Regarding IPFS pubsub, I experimented with it a while back and I think it's just plain broken in the current servers (as of seven months ago when I was playing with it.) I frequently had to restart the entire server to get it to actually send messages to subscribers. Here's a lil microblogging proof of concept I wrote to play with IPFS pubsub: I love love loved it conceptually but development seemed stalled and I couldn't get it to work often enough to play with my toy project.

If you ever want technical info about ENS that's practically my bread and butter these days.
@mauve @cuaxolotl your article is very very good, thank you for sharing it with me.

This is a wonderfully detailed comparison, very useful for devs trying to make protocol choices for new P2P apps. But I still managed to understand most of it, despite being more of UX guy, with very limited coding experience.

I'd love to see a similarly detailed comparison for chat protocols (IRC, XMPP, Matrix, Jami, Tox).

@Moon @cuaxolotl

wait does ipfs require explicit “seeding” ?

Man for all it’s faults, freenet takes another W if that’s true…

@ademan @cuaxolotl @mauve yes it does, basically same as bittorrent in that regard.

Man that kinda sucks. The freenet approach is wayyyyyyy more elegant (although it has the extremely unfortunate side effect that you can’t control what your node serves, which can be some very nasty things on freenet).

Basically your node keeps an LRU cache of data that has passed through it. This means that unpopular data will be dropped from the network sooner, data gets replicated automatically where it’s needed in the network, reducing load on the initial “host”s and you have deniability about what your node serves.

@mauve @ademan @cuaxolotl @mauve @Moon an implementation could use whatever policy it wanted to dictate data retention or even loading. but regarding ipfs if you didn't request it then what triggered it to pass thru your node?

how does freenet defend against a sybil attack against these LRUs?

all requests in freenet are recursive, you ask you peers, they ask their peers, etc. Requests are deniable because you can’t tell if a request was originated by your peer or one of their peers, etc.

sybil isn’t something explicitly guarded against (except by darknet mode, wherein you hand pick your peers) but there are metrics to decide whether to drop poorly behaving peers. Attacking the LRU really isn’t feasible because of the way requests are routed. You’d need to have content hashes that exist that occupy the same part of the address space big enough to fill a specific peer’s LRU

@mauve @ademan @cuaxolotl @mauve @Moon what does a more general attack against the wider network look like though? including possible network wide degradation as opposed to complete denial. I assume they're using a proof of work scheme but I'm curious about the overall economics

get sufficient IP space to run the attack, generate data on the fly procedurally, flood the wider network with trash, you get the idea

even tor is small enough that they've had issues with people attempting to overwhelm them and they aren't trying to replicate data in an automated manner

@ademan @cuaxolotl @mauve @Moon The reference implementation for IPFS has a cache of recently requested blocks; I think it’s set to 2 GB by default, but the garbage collector is really stupid and just starts deleting any of the blocks until you hit the low water mark. Anything you want to keep around you have to pin.

You could probably abuse some of the public gateways to keep your files around by requesting them round robin style before they fall off of all of their caches.

@Coyote @cuaxolotl @mauve @ademan unrelated to your specific example but the go-ipfs garbage collector sucks lol
@Coyote @ademan @cuaxolotl @mauve I think on my servers right now it takes literally like 4-8 hours to run.

@Coyote @cuaxolotl @Moon @ademan Generally I run an ipfs-cluster set and pin data there. Gonna be looking into making it work better with mutable datasets and IPNS.

Honestly might be easier to just go with a blockstore and libp2p and skip the garbage collector and pinning stuff entirely.

@mauve @ademan @cuaxolotl @mauve @Moon well someone has to host the data at the end of the day. so if literally no one has ever pulled a particular piece of data up then where are you going to get it from except from the origin?

or in the case of a busted implementation you have to pull it up out of band so someone would have to go to the trouble of then explicitly loading that back into the network on a node that works properly
@icedquinn @roboneko @cuaxolotl @mauve @ademan some NFT projects are using a blockchain that stores the image data on-chain, it's called Arweave. I also started hearing there's another blockchain that now lets you store up to almost 4MB of arbitrary data per transaction on it, it's called Bitcoin, been meaning to check that out.
@Moon @roboneko @cuaxolotl @mauve @ademan filecoin was one of those projects where you were supposed to stake drive space and then you pay in to it to keep your files somewhere an people get paid based on keeping your blocks around.

it's not an infinitely growing chain its more like a distributed storage market.
@Moon @roboneko @cuaxolotl @mauve @ademan i check in every so often because i think ipfs itself has some neat potential uses. like everyone in a particular metaverse "room" seeding the room media to one another which helps data locality.

probably unexplored humanitarian uses like those guys who made raspis with kiwix so they could do pop-up wifi stations with local wikipedias
@Moon @cuaxolotl @mauve bittorrent isn't strictly beholden to a DHT server either. torrents still carry trackers and those particular services sometimes do monitor peer performance and can ban you etc.

@mauve At least for the bittorrent DHT the most common implementations (utorrent and libtorrent) are pretty careful not to enable large scale amplification attacks. Nodes don't advertise the addresses of other nodes until they've been verified and retries to unverified addresses are severely limited.

@mauve Also adding an address to a torrent entry requires a three-way handshake which prevents address spoofing.

@magila Really? Mind linking to the spec for that. I was under the impression that mainline still doesn't have a clear mechanism for sybil resistance.

Some things like take it pretty seriously though and only allow peers with stable IPs to participate since they use it to generate their ID for Kademlia.

@magila I don't think you need to attack the DHT topology for a DoS though. You can advertise from seemingly legit IPs to regular DHT nodes and either overload them, or add a bunch of these junk entries that refuse to serve the content.

Like, *chan types used to use LoIC a lot for getting random people to just run a tool which would help with DoS. Feels like there should be a similar one for p2p content by now. Maybe stuff just isn't popular enough still.

@mauve Oh sure there are many ways to attack the DHT to DoS a torrent. I think you don't see it because a) people rarely care that much about torrents b) thanks to peer exchange it's actually pretty hard to effectively DoS a torrent via the DHT. All it takes is one legit node sneaking through to enable a client to join the swarm. In theory you could still disrupt a torrent with enough fake nodes, but again, people don't typically care enough to commit that many resources.

@magila I totally forgot about peer exchange! I think a lot of other protocols don't have it and probably should

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