Thread of stuff I wanna buy. Will "like" my own toot if I get it.


1. BOOX Mira USB-C display. I have a little Boox e-reader and have been liking it for reading manga on the go. I'm currently using an LCD USB-C monitor so the form factor works great. I think this would be useful for improving battery usage + working outside.

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2. Nreal Air display. I tried a shittier version of this in the past (Mad Gaze) and it was almost good enough for typical use. I think this thing will be a good companion for when I'm on the plane and want to do some productivity stuff or maybe walking around. Might also be useful once there are drivers for this thing and I can use @stardustxr with it.

3. Probably instead of the Nreal Air I'll get the since the app is installable in Canada and I like the look more. :P

Also seems about as compatible with my Steam Deck.

4. Since I'm really liking my Rokid Max, I might get their Rokid Station device which they're marketing as an Android TV for AR headsets. I could probably get termux on this thing at least.

5. Kinda want to add EEGs to my loadout. Maybe for controlling a cursor in XR? Biggest question is whether there are SDKs that work on Linux.

6. A cool robot arm that can act as a 3d printer, laser engraver, or pen plotter.

7. A head mounted display with an Android TV box you can wear as a neckband. It can do everything my rokid max can and more. I could install termux to do dev on it or RDP into other boxes.

8. This funky bluetooth mouse that's made to be thumb controlled.

My hand pain has been really bad lately and this could make it easier to use my phone. A bit more pricay than I usually risk on bluetooth stuff tho.

9. I saw this in the past but the new wearable setup makes it a lot more appealing to my use case. Might getone eventually and see if it helps with the eternal hand pain more :P

10. This is like the final step in evolution for me. It's purely a controller meant to hook into external displays. Some folks have already managed to get Linux on it too. Main thing it's missing is a keyboard. If I could figure out a proper text input scheme with a controller and get that working with my LUKS encryption it'd be golden.

11. Kinda want to get a phone replacement that uses eink displays to save on battery and discourage doom scrolling.

This one is nice cause it has a keyboard:

@stardustxr TBH I don't think I need it for my main use cases right now. I thinm 3dof for viewing a static "sphere" around my head will suffice for mobile use cases.

I think for 6dof I'd want to use either VR or a passthrough AR thing like the Lynx

@mauve btw this kinda blew my mind when you posted, i had no idea this product segment existed at all :~

@cblgh it's fun! I' actually wearing my Rokid Max now so I can do some work on my steam deck in the park.

@mauve I'd check out Brainflow ( )
They have support for a range of hardware with APIs in a ton of languages.

@wrstscrnnm6 Oh wow that's very useful thank you. Is this something you've used for your own projects already?

@mauve Only dabbled a little in personal projects, but I did some work for OpenBCI a while back and their SDK is built on top of Brainflow.

@mauve I really hate websites where I have to continually scroll to advance the frames on the animation... Just put up a video ... I didn't even make it to the bottom because my fingers got tired of scrolling on the mouse pad on my laptop.

@skryking Big mood. Especially since my scroll wheel is "virtual" and sometimes isn't enough to trigger the page change which is even worse. I iust want to see the tech specs and scroll in peace 😭

Wow, that really was a "painful" website to scroll through on mobile :blobcat0_0: 💀

@mauve i find no info about a "new wearable setup"? They look awesome but not very portable

@kris I found this video on youtube which is what got me into this again. Also saw some vids of them doing programming which is my main use case for keyboards.

@kris I'm excited to pair it with my Viture Neckband for portable computing.

@mauve re text input on a controller—

close to two decades ago now, i was at a friends house and he was showing me this game on ps3 and this game had a super unique take on using the d-pad to filter letters

i don’t know exactly, but from reverse engineering my memory, each direction represented 1/4 the letters of the alphabet, maybe symbols too, so for sake of example, let’s say there’s

32 characters in this alphabet dictionary

at the root, each direction would represent 8 characters, drilling into that, each direction two characters, into that, each direction one character

with a tree three levels deep, any character could be selected with exactly three inputs.

it was like t9 for gamers

@tychi That's interesting. I was thinking of using a combo of dpad + amalog stick. Analog stick rotates to select one of 6 zones, then clicking the dpad in six directions to type the character / symbol. My main issue is I really need all the special characters needed for programming which drastically increases the number of combos I must represent 😅

@mauve the d-pad trick is exponential, so four levels gets you up to 64

maybe keeping it to three though, clicking a thumb stick could get you to capitals, then symbols, then lowercase, the capitals, then symbols

in symbols mode, left could get you {[<( and right can get you }]>)

up and down can be the others

the joystick directional approach does remind me of the roller coaster tycoon for console— the 8 directions selected different modalities

@mauve @stardustxr I feel like they should give up on the "theyre glasses" thing. It's like textured vegetable protien is better than "fake meat" - it's not a vegetable pretending to not be a vegetable (badly).
play to your strengths?

i kinda like the look of Fpv flight goggles

i want to feel like a mech warrior pilot?

@mixmix @stardustxr Yeah! I actually liked the design of the rokid glasses before the Max which looked like a cylon visor of sorts. I thing lobger term I'm going to ditch the see through glasses form factor and go witg something like a bigscreen vr headsrt and a 360 camera on a tripod to get a third persib view

@mauve Hey I have a boox ultra 10 inch and have been using termux on it. I ssh into a more powerful computer, but love it. You might want to try that with your reader. It might actually be better than the full display, but I've not tried that as they are expensive that way.

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