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so after spending a lot of time talking about how apple does and/or doesn’t use siri data yesterday day

yesterday night, i finally did the demo for on device in browser voice recognition

nothing super flashy yet, but i added it over the green background and in the realtime only mode, it’s great for subtitles.



even if you’re not a programmer, i hope i made the language easy enough for you to see how consent works and how simple it can be to implement

Campaña: Internet resiliente con DWeb (Web Distribuida) 

Recuperá tu página web, recuperá tu historia

En el mundo digital, no hay nada más desalentador que perder el acceso a una página web que hemos dedicado tiempo y esfuerzo en construir, que es nuestra punto de encuentro con nuestrxs lectores y está referenciada por artículos y noticias :(

¿Perdiste una página web?

Beca completa para organizaciones, colectivos y activistas de DDHH, defensa del territorio, transfeministas, economía social.

Recuperamos tu sitio y lo hacemos más resiliente con DWeb, 100% gratis.

¡Inscribite! Elegiremos dos casos con los que trabajar en enero/febrero 2025.

Completa el formulario de inscripción para postularte.


¿Cómo lo recuperan?

Podemos restaurar tu sitio si cumple con ciertas condiciones técnicas. Contanos tu situación en el formulario de inscripción para que podamos evaluarlo.

¿Cómo lo hacen más resiliente?

En Distributed Press, donde construimos en conjunto las cooperativas Sutty y Hypha, nos dedicamos a crear versiones de sitios en protocolos decentralizados - IPFS y Hypercore.

Tener copias de tu sitio hosteadas colaborativamente por fuera de HTTP te evita fragilidad y linkrot, disminuye el riesgo de perder información, hace tu data más resistente a la censura y borrado, y permite que esté disponible aún si los servidores de hosteo se caen. En esta beca, además de restaurar tu sitio, lo alojaremos en la Web Distribuida.

¿Cuáles son las condiciones?

Tenemos la posibilidad de recuperar 1 sitio de 2 organizaciones / personas durante febrero 2025. El criterio de selección incluye aspectos técnicos que hagan posible la restauración del sitio, y darnos consentimiento para compartir la historia como caso de estudio al finalizar. Además, por los ajustados tiempos de este proyecto, deberán acordar a tener tiempos de respuesta de alrededor de 48hs ¡así podemos avanzar juntes!

Conocé más acerca de las condiciones y alcance de esta campaña

@gert That's not far from what I've been doing in Agregore actually. All the protocol handlers are runnable as daemons without too much trouble and I actually used a local gateway for the Godot support in HyperGodot. Been thinking of figuring out how to bundle the protocol stuff into something easy to install.

@gert Oh? I thought Rust was an independant thing now after mozilla had that string of abandoning a bunch of projects.

I usually don't worry about it too hard and prepare to pivot when stuff goes wrong. I generally just care that stuff is open source so I can dig in it :P

@gert I feel you on gjs. I was looking into using it at one point too. I think the thing I keep struggling with is that I want apps I make to be cross platform but all the options for that kinda suck or are limited for the protocol handlers use case. Right now I've been dreaming of Rust and maybe forking Servo.

The way it is complimenting the prompter throughout for their fascinating and groundbreaking theorizing is giving me a very grim pit in my stomach. Normal conspiracy theories are sticky and trap people's minds, but their cultures are actually usually highly internally critical and collaborative - it might seem ironic but in conspiracy theory forums you get intense exclusion of "the wrong version" of the theory, both as a way to maintain some vanishing sense of "external credibility" but also as a group norming and hierarchy mechanism.

I think almost everyone knows that LLMs will enthusiastically tell you the wrong information, but I hadn't seen an example of an LLM enthusiastically telling you are a genius as you slip away from reality. There is no way to set guardrails against that. There is no macro pattern and there is nothing intrinsically harmful about the content per se, the harm is how its use will alienate, isolate, and likely cause a great deal of personal crisis in this person's life - and they won't be able to tell it was chatGPT that helped them get there.

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NLNet announces newly funded projects, including quite a few related to ActivityPub.

@node9 automated deployments for streams and hubzilla

@raffomania for the linkblocks federated link sharing platform

@manyfold - federated 3d model sharing

@mobilizon for their federated event sharing platform

@activitypods is a storage solution for federated data

@spritely and their Oaken project (fedi adjacent and happy for them)

#activitypub #FediverseSoftware #fediverse

Doing my annual update of my CV and it's so hard to fit all the stuff I've worked on in the past 12 years onto just a few pages. 💀

Web Brutalism but with Global User Styles to make it all look nice again

Easing back into daily computer touching in anticipation of going back to work on Monday.

The constant threat of violence against the poor under capitalism is a great way to enable unethical behavior in those that hoard money. Why bother threatening violence yourself when you can just thrown in a rope to the drowning and threaten to cut it off if they don't dance for you. Fish in a barrelx

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It seems like a good way to make a thing successful is to turn it into a borderline cult, but IMO manipulating people to do stuff for your ends is unethical.

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So many crypto adjacent things act like cults. A lot of language trying to foster identity with the projecr / others as an oppositional out group. Lots of information control around what to focus on. And lastly draining vulnerable people of their funds and energy once they're sucked in.

Hey so I'm sure ya'll have seen the hubbub about it, but in case you haven't:

The Honey extension actively steals affiliate revenue from the creators that you use links from whenever you search for coupons with them.

It does this by replacing the affiliate code your creator uses with their own affiliate code.

Also the company is owned by PayPal.

This movie would have been so much better as a cartoon in general. Seeing a grown ass woman say "Sonic did nothing wrong" with no goof factor like it's real drama deals me massive cringe damage. She played her role great but the tone of the movie is all over the place

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The live action sonic the hedgehog movies would be so much better without the asshole cop character. Like he's so unlikeable and so unfunny and interrupts the flow of sonic and robotnik doing their thing.

There's a new example app out on the website: The LLM Chat.

Use this as a quick way to use the built in features in or the foundation for your own AI Chat interface!


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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.