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@tezoatlipoca It just happens that tech as a whole is very cloud-brained right now. 😅

@tezoatlipoca I mean to be fair the Hubs team has done so much better a job at this than any proprietary platform. I think what they did makes sense in their context. For one they've been making it easy to self host a hubs instance and are working on tools and docs for folks to pull their data down and onto their self hosted instances.

The shutdown is also exactly why communities should be investing in tooling. Had they gone with a fully distributed model there would be no central service to close and the communities using it could have kept doing so regardless of Mozillas involvement. Instead they went "cloud native" and initially relied on a specific cloud platform which basically locks everyone into a final shutdown regardless of who "owns" the cloud.

Are you experienced with GTK and Rust ? :gnome: ❤️ :rust:

We are looking to contract someone to work on the new GNOME Password Manager 🔑

We want it to become a core/default app and help secure millions of users.

You'll be working with the GNOME Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to building emancipatory technologies for everyone.

Please send resume / portfolio to

Boosts welcome :boost_love:

#GTK #Rust #rustlang #GNOME #Linux #Ubuntu #Linux #Fedora #OpenSUSE #Debian

So, kids, what's the moral of the XZ story?

If you're going to backdoor something, make sure that your changes don't impact its performance. Nobody cares about security - but if your backdoor makes the thing half a second slower, some nerd is going to dig it up.

@glyph @eb I'm frustrated that big tech's efforts to increase core library security are "your project is too popular, you must use 2FA" and "the best reverse engineers in the world will find your bugs and put you on a 90 day disclosure deadline" and not "here is $100K/year and benefits to keep doing what you're doing at your own pace."

What's the point of getting Youtube Premium when all the good youtube channels shove "sponsor messages" into their videos anyway.

@nilix Ty! Yeah I hope to use the underlying library for some sort of open source ActivityPub or Semantic Web exploring thing in the future

@nilix it's a synthetic dataset showing links between data. so nothing real but showing that the format we're using works how we expect. Sadly beyond that it's NDA stuff I can't post about. 😅

@brandon That's great! Is there code published for it which I may read? I do a lot of cross platform stuff and that's something I've wanted for a while. I assume graphics isn't within the set of APIs?

@brandon Oof yeah. I think that's the main thing that keeps me from fun languages. The availability of libraries and APIs ends up influencing whether a project is feasible to undertake within budget constraints or not. :( I end up having to sidecar stuff into separate processes and talk via IPC when there's a mismatch in languages. E.g. Agregore Mobile has Go,C++, and Java all jumbled together.

The new #NintendoSwitch emulator, #Suyu, has had an eventful week being released, being taken down, and then making a return! Here is a quick recap if you missed the Suyu Saga:

Note to self: Don't answer messages when tired even if they seem time sensitive.

@brandon What sort of stuff are you thinking of using it for? I was worried about whether it's speed of execution can keep up with how expressive it is. It feels like it'd be way to easy to make really expensive computations and I'm not sure if it is paralellizing enough of the execution out of the box. Would regular APL not suffice?

Imagine you’re writing a book and on page 345 you make a grammar error. The paragraph becomes completely ineligible, and the whole plotline you had going falls apart. Now the ink smears and whole pages turns black, and actually the book catches fire and you cannot touch it without it bursting into flames.

This is what programming is like.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.