Documenting a prediction: This will receive an Ig Nobel in 2025.
Certainly is of the ilk of “achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think.”
@ann3nova It was always nice getting a visit from Him as soon as you finished the game. No clue how he managed to time his plane trips so precisely. Sometimes I'd stay on the final boss just before it died and just see Him staring through the living room window. Ah the 90s
@bazylevnik0 Ehh, in my experience the cardboard stuff was very lackluster. It's the cheapest option but also the worst for VR, and given a Pico 4 can go for like 500 bucks it's pretty comparable to the cost of a plane ticket but unlike a plane is a one time cost for attendees and unlike cardboard has some solid baseline VR functionality.
It's cheaper and maybe more accessible to host a conference in #VR and get everyone to buy headsets rather than airplane tickets to another country.
Manufacturers should have some sort of out of the box config you could bulk order and send out to people
I'm genuinely so excited to not have to worry about RAM all the time. It's like a weight lifted off my chest.
@skryking Kinda? When I'm out and about I usually use my Viture Pro XR as a head mounted display. It doesn't really do XR/AR sadly, it's pretty much just a monitor. One hell of a monitor though!
@tychi That last bit is super cool. Have you looked into customizing the keyboad bindigs for the gamepad? I found the defaults lacking and ended up fixing some bugs in this python script I found which lets you remap them.
@benbrown A standard way for RSS feeds to advertise urls you can subscribe (fiscally) on with standard UIs in readers to pay for subscriptions could have been a cool future to live in.
@tychi I never use it for gaming BTW. Just development and the odd video watching. 😅
@tychi I did Chimera Os for a bit but got fed up with it being made for gaming rather than dev. Currently running a barebones EndevourOS with a niri-based wayland setup I've been slowly putting together. I'm loving it! It's really just VSCode / Element / Thunderbird that are eating an unreasonable amount of RAM compared to everything else on my system 😅
LOL at first it couldn't get past the LUKS decryption after rebooting but it might just be the zen kernel that's being weird
@Edwin085 @futurebird Clear Ants 🐜💎
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.