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capitalism feels 

As expected, I managed to get the two of the most urgent things done using some sacrifices to the dark gods (lots of caffeine). :P

Hopefully the next two days will be more chill as a result.

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Just published this talk about my vision for Holistic Local-First Sofrware and the parts that can be brought together to make it real.

capitalism feels 

I wish I didn't have to constantly work and push my body and mind to the brink just to afford to live comfortably enough that I can prevent myself from falling apart.

My friends are taking the day off but I can't because I have a bunch of obligations to keep this fragile career progressing.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Mastodon, is in fact, Fediverse/Mastodon, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Fediverse plus Mastodon. Mastodon is not a social network unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning federated universe made useful by ActivityPub servers, fibre optic cables and vital moderation components comprising a full social network as defined by pedants.

I want a phrase like "brb afk" but for when I want to tune out for a bit in meatspace.

Computers have been beating the best human Go players since 2016. The Go world champion retired in part because AI is “an entity that cannot be defeated.”

But a human just trounced one of the world’s best Go AIs 14 games to 1:

I think this news story is more interesting than it might first appear (without knowing details, so grain of salt). It isn’t just a gaming curiosity; it points to a fundamental flaw with “deep learning” approaches in general.

It'd be cool if there was a bridge between the and email such that you could mix mailing lists with fedi conversations and bridge the two worlds.

Really wish human an civil rights weren't such a controvercial topic.

Like, it boggles my mind that improving people's quality of life isn't everyone's priority.

Like, not even actively but at least part of people's moral framework.


Wearing my ball python like a scarf and giving it a tour of the smells in my home. Feels fun following its gaze to lead it towards stuff it finds interesting.

I ended up getting NieR Replicant since I found the previous game pretty fun even though I couldn't get past the last bullet hell level. 😅

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I've gotten to the point where I think we'd be better off in almost every way, very much including actually useful tech innovation, if we had very strict data collection/privacy laws and simply banned targeted advertising. I think freedom and democracy require a robust right to privacy and that we have really imperiled ourselves by treating its systemic for-profit violation as some kind of unobjectionable, neutral manifestation of free enterprise.

Anyone have recommendations for cool ?

I'm mostly into exploration and open world type RPGs. Particularly the fallout/cyberpunk/outer worlds flavor .

It's so weird the way ADHD can sometimes put you into a state where you know exactly what you need to do and how to do it, but your brain will only let you do literally anything else.

I need to get better at just accepting that when it happens so that I can channel that energy into something else until it goes away, instead of just feeling guilty about it and paralyzing myself.

@mauve This would be a big accessibility and customizability win.

Also having some selection of domain-specific clients (aside from a generic browser) makes it easy to create content while leaving styling and navigation to the user. I would love to one day switch browser tabs without getting blinded by a light theme.

Though I never made the connection between this idea and semantic web. Semantic web for me triggers ideas of "knowledge graphs everywhere! Zettelkasten kugelschreiber!!"

Excited to hear from @mauve on their holistic approach to local-first software at the next @dweb meet-up this Tuesday 5pm PT

Register here:

I think I've finally seen the light of the .

I think web browsers should give users a way to register apps to handle displaying certain schema types.

E.g. if I open an ActivityStream URL, the browser should load my preferred client in the same way that clicking a PDF in my filesystem will open up my PDF viewer.

Users would then be able to bring their own interfaces to data instead of relying on some closed source proprietary app interface.

Also opens the door to mixing data

How many windows do you typically have visible on your screen at any given time?

I just realized recently that a lot of folks only have one at a time which blew my mind since I usually have a dozen or so at a time. :P

Twitter and Facebook are headed straight for the ground and accelerating. Google and Microsoft are burning cash chasing AI shadows that are doomed to fail.

What an exciting time to be on the internet.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.