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I knew this was going to happen at least once.

I did register this version of the domain name too ;)

Casual Islands, indeed.


‘Youtube-dl Hosting Ban Paves the Way to Privatized Censorship’ * TorrentFreak

> Last week, a German court ruled that Uberspace is liable for hosting the website of youtube-dl, an open-source tool that allows people to download content from YouTube. The owner of the hosting company warns that this "ridiculous" and "devastating" verdict opens the door to privatized censorship.

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make decentralized publishing easier with our sister project, Distributed Press!

Stay tuned for a big announcement tomorrow. ✍️🕸️⚡

I've got a spare so I'll prob just drive to some car place near the conf and get it fixed while I get brekkie.

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One of my front tires popped on the highway as I was in the middle lane. 🥲

Luckily I managed to manuver to the side befoee it caused a collission.

Now I gotta figure out how to coordinate getting this thing fixed while I attend 🤪

Who says Computer Science can't be a little magical? Today I'm proud to announce the publication of my textbook, aligned to @csteachersorg and @nextgenscience standards for grades 6-8: Computer Science for Kids: A Storytelling Approach. Learn more at #K12 #students

Ended up going back to Evolution installed via Flathub. It's not perfect and Flatpak makes it so that it's not inheriting my OS theme. But it's good enough. :P

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Hardest part of setting up my as my main machine is figuring out what to do for my Calendar and Email stuff. I have like 5 calendars and 6 email accounts I want to sync and stuff like Kontact/KOrganizer are waaaay too heavy.

Seems to be using like 1GB of RAM on idle for some reason. 🙃


One of my coworkers has a bunch of her talks posted online and it seems to have some useful tech info in there.

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Seeing early adopters successful like this give me major sense of happiness after over a year of development work #p2p #webdev

I think I may have recovered my mastodon instance finally. 😭

Advertising is literally pollution and it causes psychic damage

The US has been purpose-building hell on earth for minors for about two decades, and mark my words *everything* that is being done to trans kids and undocumented kids will make that hell far, far worse for all kids here.

Public spaces ubiquitously ban minors these days, hostile civil engineering that builds stroads everywhere make the outdoors ugly and dangerous, the commons have long since been enclosed, the internet is deep into its own age of enclosure, surveillance of minors is becoming more widespread and invasive every day, their rights and privacy are barely that of property. Now we see them being stripped of labor protections and subjected to genital exams.

Our most vulnerable community members are *daily* being subjected to more and more inhumane conditions, deprived of autonomy and humanity. Our society's naked contempt for the young seems to have no end.

A big day to day pain point for me is that my speech is like a quarter of the speed I think at ao my brain gets confused trying to keep my sentances queued up and coherent.

I wish I could dump thoughts out my mouth at the same rate as the 2x speed youtube videos I watch 🤪

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.