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I've been "unsmarting" my phone lately to try and use it less, especially since I should be either focusing on better games (console or PC) or working on a platform better for productivity over consumption (desktop/laptop)

Been turning on Focus Mode automatically at my Home hours, uninstalled nearly every app I could possibly not-have, and leaving it out of the room and such.

Still need it to snap shots of Parker though.

USA conference organizers: please do not plan conferences in trans-exclusionary states.

Here is the current list of USA trans-friendly states/regions:

- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- D.C.
- Illinois
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- New Mexico
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Nevada
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- Washington
- Wisconsin


#uspol #conference #transphobia

With this Unity disaster it has become clear that, more than ever, we should support open source software!

Consider donating a few bucks, if you have the means, to applications like Blender, Godot, Krita etc.

every embedded device that connects to wifi should really have a little display to show its ip

Want UblockOrigin for life

Some kinda augmented reality that replaces all display advertising with classical art or gifs from /r/aww

Quote attributed to Banksy put it best:

Github, NPM, VS Code. It kind of sneaks up on you when you finally realize it.

Really tired but I can’t go to bed until I worry about 4 more unrelated things

I have like three boxes from the last time I moved that are unopened. Two of them just have boxes from stuff that I kept in case I wanted to return them or sell them :P

Gonna make sure to go through everything and get rid of anything I can once I move in.

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Packing up my stuff and god damn I have more stuff than I expected :P

Reminder: There is rally tomorrow from 9:00am to 11:30am at the Supreme Court.

While the extreme right is talking about freedoms while wrapping themselves in our appropriated national symbols on Parliament Hill, we will be standing up for the actual rights - and physical safety - of trans kids.

I've never asked before: Please boost to spread the word. They didn't stop at vaccines and they won't stop with the kids.

#Ottawa #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights

still can't believe mountains are fake. what a world we live in

Announcing PQXDH! The first step in post-quantum resistance for the Signal Protocol, PQXDH protects your Signal calls & chats from potential future threats of breakthroughs in quantum computing. And it's already rolling out to Signal clients everywhere.

Tomorrow, anti-trans activists are planning protest rallies across Canada. LGBQT champions & allies are planning counter protests. So I thought it timely to re-share this remarkable conversation with the remarkable trans community leader, @marnipanas. #Edmonton #yeg #Alberta #trans #Canada #AlbertaUnbound

I recently saw a post huffing that "piracy isn't preservation" and while I REALLY do not care for people who pirate as a default just because they don't want to pay, I'm a gamer.

It is sometimes LITERALLY impossible to obtain some games. It is much, MUCH more often impossible to obtain games in which even one red cent reaches the creator, 100% resale only.

Piracy is the only possible form of long-term preservation for something digital and out of production.

I'm sure there's a tendency to always view the past as better, but the social-media-ification of the Internet has really sucked a lot of the joy out of entertaining people. When it was peripheral to the broader Internet, you spent most of your time making stuff. Now you gotta learn 8 to 12 platforms that mostly want you to act like an employee of their algorithm.

Also if your peer is a server with some level of responsibility that is different from another peer, it’s not a peer! The word peer refers to being equal. If your network is asymmetrical, it’s not #p2p. Stop. lol just stop it’s so delusional.

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When my time comes I want to be buried with my cellphone and a WiFi booster.

You know … just in case.

One thing I like about chronological timelines is I have no clue who I follow is "an influencer" or a random shitposter. A person with 100 followers is just as visible as 100 thousand.

on algo based media it's just mostly cool kida that get shoved in people's faces and I guess into each others faces.

I wish we could do a slick rebrand of taxes. Paying taxes that are properly used should feel like donating to charity. You're doing your part.

If you pay for insurance, you're already ascribing to the idea that a large pool of people paying in can be cheaper and/or more effective than each person paying only after a cost is incurred.

That's taxes, baby.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.