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Super excited that our new implementation, the has got it's official announcement out! If you want to add or support to your existing site, do hit us up! :)

Announcing Distributed.Press Social Inbox 1.0 

People Network by The Laundry Room via Stocksy

Our new feature brings social interactions to static websites on the decentralized web.

Hypha and Sutty are thrilled to announce the release of the Social Inbox, a new feature of Distributed.Press that integrates a website’s comment section with federated social media platforms like Mastodon. With the Social Inbox enabled, websites obtain their own account on the Fediverse, allowing it to automatically send out new posts to followers at the time of publication. When other users reply to posts, you can approve them to be published to the site as comments. The Social Inbox allows readers to directly engage with your posts where they already are, and gives publishers the ability to incorporate public dialogue into their websites.

Failures of Existing Social Media

Big social media services, like X/Twitter and Instagram, centralize all control over the data, content, and interactions on their platforms. They moderate messages on their platforms with little transparency or accountability, leading to posts and entire accounts being censored with no explanation. Additionally, corporate social media platforms have an insatiable hunger for data. They surveil every aspect of our interactions — from what we post, what we “like”, who we follow, to minute details of where our attention lingers. This data is used to feed their algorithms in order to maximize the influence, and therefore profitability, of the ads they show to their users.

Their intrusive practices extend into the timeline itself, by manipulating what posts appear and inserting “suggested” content that we never ask to see. Major social media platforms regularly comply with government requests to hand over personal data without a court warrant. And we have witnessed how an entire social media network can be sold to a billionaire with no regard for the impact this would have on global public discourse.

ActivityPub: A Decentralized Alternative

In the face of the failures of existing social media platforms, there have been many attempts to build viable alternatives. Out of these, one of the most thriving networks is what is collectively called the Fediverse — an ecosystem of social media platforms that rely on the ActivityPub social data standard.

Instead of having a platform contain the accounts, messages, and interactions concentrated on one website, ActivityPub allows users with accounts on different websites to communicate with each other. This is similar to how email works; you can send an email to someone else regardless of what email service they use. By enabling anyone to set up their own “instance” or social media server, ActivityPub allows people to decide who has control over their data. They can decide to host their own instance, or choose one from among the thousands of others who offer hosting services. The ActivityPub standard allows data to be hosted across thousands of different instances, while still being able to follow and send messages between them.

One of the perennial problems with social media is content moderation. ActivityPub is distinct in that it allows each instance to decide for themselves how to moderate messages on their servers. This helps ensure that a given user or community can shape their own moderation policies, instead of an unaccountable, centralized authority. Fediverse instances can even decide to subscribe to community-curated blocklists, which can be actively shaped and used across many servers, by people who understand their community needs and agree on what kind of dialogue they would like to have or not have appear in their timelines.

As a result, the Fediverse continues to grow in its potential as a diversified network of interoperable social media applications.

Social Inbox for the Decentralized Web

From its inception, Distributed.Press has incorporated existing decentralized web protocols to expand the possibilities of web publishing. It is important for us to incorporate ActivityPub into Distributed.Press given its flexibility and popular use as a social media protocol.

Social Inbox Flowchart

Through our existing suite of tools, it’s already possible to publish static Jekyll websites to the DWeb. With static websites, code and content are delivered to the browser as simple HTML/CSS files, without having to access an external server to load content. The benefit of static websites is that they load faster, do not use plug-ins that require constant updates, and tend to be more secure overall. We realized that we could lean on these features, while incorporating social interactions into websites using ActivityPub.

So over the course of this year, we built the Social Inbox, which allows people to integrate their website with the Fediverse and to engage with readers there. You can read more about the technical details of how the Social Inbox works.

With the Social Inbox enabled on your site, you can:

Post to the Fediverse: New articles can be posted to the Fediverse where followers can read, re-post, favorite, and send replies.

Approve replies as comments: When posts receive replies on the Fediverse, the website owner can approve them as reader comments that are then posted alongside the original article on the website.

Streamline moderation: Approve messages and follow requests one-by-one, automate the process on your own, or subscribe to existing block lists. (For now, Distributed.Press subscribes to GardenFence to automatically block servers that have shown to be sources of hateful rhetoric, harassment, and spam.)

Download your follower list: If you would rather move your account to a different server, you can switch your Social Inbox instance very easily without needing to change the domain name for your site.

To see which Fediverse clients are compatible with the Social Inbox, you can follow this Github issue.

For Mastodon and Pixelfed users: Please note that when someone follows your website’s Fediverse account for the first time, they will receive new posts as they’re published. That also means that they will not see any previous posts due to Mastodon not preemptively fetching the full lists of posts from our outbox. If this something you’d like to be addressed, you can comment on the Mastodon issue tracker, or work with us by chiming into our issue tracker to see what you can do to help.

Sutty Integration

If you aren’t able or interested in coding your way to creating a static website or implementing the Social Inbox yourself, we have also integrated it into Sutty, a content management system for static Jekyll websites. All you need to do is set up a website on their platform and enable the Social Inbox in the configuration panel. Then, you will see a panel that will allow you to approve/deny replies as comments to your posts.

All of Sutty’s templates are compatible with the Social Inbox, in addition to the Magazine template, which is based on the layout of COMPOST magazine, our sister project.

For a step-by-step guide on how to use the Social Inbox with Sutty, check out this demo video.

If you’re already on the Fediverse, you can search from your instance and follow our posts!

Getting Started

There are a few ways to try out the Social Inbox:

Sutty: Create a static website on Sutty and use the Social Inbox panel on their platform admin panel:

Do it yourself: Check out our documentation to see how you can set up the Social Inbox on your existing (or future) static website:

Hire us to help: If you already have a static website publishing pipeline, but want to publish to IPFS and Hypercore and implement the Social Inbox, get in touch with us at and we can help you out. :)

What’s Next

Our next area of focus is to make it easier for people to discover websites and blogs on the DWeb. Essentially, we’re developing automation on top of Distributed Press that will announce newly published accounts in a format that can be subscribed to on the Fediverse.

We also see the Social Inbox, particularly the Inbox Server, as a stepping stone towards further decentralization. We hope to make publishing and social media local-first and peer-to-peer(p2p) by creating paths to data storage that puts the data closer to the end user. For example, all the data related to your website and its social interactions could be hosted on your own computer, or another local server of your choosing. One of our next steps in this direction will be to create a p2p-enabled Fediverse client and a specification for loading ActivityPub content from p2p protocols.

Also, if you’re a developer on another static site generator (that isn’t Jekyll), please reach out if you’re interested in building a similar plug-in to integrate ActivityPub into your publishing workflow.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

Support Us!

Love what we do and want to help sustain this project? You can support us on Open Collective with a one-time gift or monthly donation.

About this project

Distributed.Press is a joint collaboration between two tech worker co-operatives, Hypha Worker Co-operative based in Toronto, Canada and Sutty based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The project is made possible through generous support from Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web, Grant for the Web, and our supporters on Open Collective.

Distributed.Press is the sister project to COMPOST, a magazine about the digital commons. You can read our third issue of COMPOST here:

Additional Links

The Distributed Press Social Inbox - How does it work?
A New Medium for Your Messages, from COMPOST Issue 03
Distributed Press Documentation
Hypha Worker Co-op
Github issue for inbox

When the types get strong the strong get typing.

Having ublock origin on your mobile browser is a game changer - and soon Firefox will be the only way to get it on your desktop browser too.

Remember Google's plan described in discovery documents from one of its antitrust lawsuits: in the name of privacy, block 3rd party ads and use the dominance of chrome to only allow google ads at the browser level. Your browser choice is not a neutral choice, google sees it as an integral part of their strategy to monopolize ads, and with that the entire web.

Show thread - a fedi server for us 

your monthly reminder that is a server for bipoc folks tired of the very white fedi ...

this server is managed by me - fyrfli - alone at the moment. we are still small so just me is ok for the time being. i am keeping an eye out for help, tho... especially if we start growing.


• boost this if you know someone who's getting silenced and ignored when they talk about their lives.
• boost this if you like the idea of more bipoc spaces on the fedi
• boost this if you like it here and want other folks to come share the joy
• boost this if you just like boosting things...

eh ... boost this cos ... why not.


ETA if you so desire.

ETA2 we have a mod now @psyqology helps keep things real

None of this is new, and none of the bad effects have abated at scale enough to relax. New projects are still being started on react and angular. The JS emitters have no shame because they largely don't think they did anything wrong.

Something something "interactivity" (for rich users) something something.

A decade ago, a tribe of JS partisans took the web by the reins, forked HTML and JS syntax, and yeeted userland abstractions into the critical path because "a better user experience".

This was premised on the idea that everyone's CPUs/networks would get faster the way their top-end phones did.

They could not have been more wrong.

JS-first web development has been a planetary-scale exercise in the rich making life harder for the less well-off.

hello world 

Welcome to our COMPOST News blog!

We're going to use this site to publish all updates related to COMPOST and Distributed.Press, as well as other going-ons in the decentralized/distributed/peer-to-peer web ecosystem.

More to come soon — stay tuned.

This one aged pretty well. IMHO, it's more true now than ever.

Back to optical jukeboxes we go!

[Cerebyte] wants to build palm-sized cartridges that can store 10,000TB of data.


This demo system comprises a single read-write rack for storage accessibility as well as several library racks. The firm used only commercial off-the-shelf equipment to build it.

As another wave of "suspected Flipper zero disrupting BTLE devices" is trending:
I probably qualify as an expert and I have DATA.
When you do BTLE connection spamming you are not only messing with phones, you're messing with health devices and Point-of-Sale terminals.

As someone who has spent the past ~1.5y of my life researching this exact topic:
If you're going to initiate connections with a radio (BTLE) the first and highest priority task is rate-limiting.

Connection spamming with a Flipper Zero (or other device) is objectively dangerous.

"But you're doing similar BTLE research, how can you say that?"
Because I took the time to understand the risks, mitigate them in a controlled environment for months, and collect data to make informed decisions. I also *broke* MY devices. But they were scoped to MY devices.

All of this to say, If you've written or using code for BTLE connection *spamming*:
You're a dangerous shitstain who is gonna get people hurt.
You're making the lives of people who are actually trying to collect data to enable informed decisions worse.
Log off. Touch grass.

I'm prepping for a 2024 conference talk on BTLE.
Please don't willingly get yourself include in the slide about "unethical conduct" ffs.

@mauve Unrelated, but I watched a video on a PeerTube instance the other day and was pleasantly surprised that it just worked? I downloaded most of it from other peers, uploaded a bunch, no buffering or video playback hiccups and looked great at 1080p. Pretty wild stuff.

Kind of astounding that mastodon has had complaints about newly followed accounts not having their posts loaded since 2016.

Hey! Looking to set up a peertube account to post videos related to , , and

Any suggestions for instances that explicitly have some of these focuses? Ideally a more "professional" environment. Something like fosstodon but for video.

Boosts appreciated. 🙇

K I'll admit that some software is cool and a delight to use the Elisa music player on is awesome and does all the stuff I need consistently and efficiently. V thankful for their existence.

Hey we're a small group who put together a FREE programme of presentations around low-tech, permacomputing, collective tech practices, extraction, and ewaste.

Saturday 2 December, Amsterdam



Come and join us, listen to talks, ask questions, hang around and plot together about pmc and related practices.

with: Abdelrahman Hassan @cmos4040 @latentspace @l03s @marieverdeil @michal @neajul @praxeology Shailoh Phillips, Sunjoo Lee @unbinare

FOMO alert: nope it's not streamed and probably won't be recorded, *but* surely you know a lot of cool people around you doing connected things, :unwanted_thinking: what about you try to organise something local as well? See

#lowtech #permacomputing #ewaste #amsterdam

you know it's party time when there's four terminals kn the screen at once with several tabs each >:)

A bad thing about social media is this pattern where a person with expertise starts rebutting bad ideas, and it’s great, but over time it primes them to see everyone who doesn’t hold exactly their opinions as part of a horde of goons with terrible ideas, because that’s who they end up interacting with.

Eventually their online persona is, like, Truth Gladiator. And that’s so much less interesting and important to me than Thoughtful Person With Useful Perspectives.

i suppose this is how it's going to go:

1. google chrome bans ad blockers

2. users move to other browsers to surf the web

3. google, youtube, and a ton of other sites that depend on ad revenue dongle themselves to google chrome (and/or any browser that blocks ads)

4. community browsers spoof google chrome but block ads

5. websites try to detect fake chrome browsers

6. *tom & jerry chase sequence*

7. google becomes a huge fan of the idea of running only "trusted" apps on computers

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.