I am greatful to the QT/KDE and GTK ui duopoly for allowing me to run my apps without either shell. It feels so good to be rid kf the clutter taking up CPU and disk read times.
i think the only thing I need to figure out is Matrix as a systemd daemon I can connect with a TUI so I can have multiple windows open
my favorite is when you try to guess the help command and the utility says “that’s not a command I recognize, you fool. here’s the help listing, you pathetic lost soul” https://fedi.astrid.tech/objects/eac10929-34bd-4d6e-9ca5-22291158fda3
I know I upgraded recently but my computing power feels so low compared to what folks use these days. Honestly I could probably cope with 8GB RAM even but having even 32 feels like such luxurious excess. It does mean a lot of chromium based react apps can siphon more resources tho. 😝
For real even a few GBs of VRAM extra would make some stuff so much easier. I hate that LLMs make me want a beefier computer.
CS Researchers: Here're some programming languages mathematically proven to make the computer do exactly what you say.
Programmers: «create vast complexity that no one person could comprehend in order to render a web page»
Also Programmers: What if we made the programming language English, required that the compiler run on a monstrously huge array of GPUs, and set it up so it only did what we ask sometimes, and other times just do nonsense, but we don't know which is which?
Hacker News: Neat!
One thing I find sad is that a lot if folms treated VR as just another tech fad and ditched it for crypto when that became the fad. Now a bunch of the same folks are following AI. Especially sad when fad chading meant ditching code and community for the next best thing only to abandon it again. It feels like the fad chasing means the fad in question doesn't get a fair chance to actually accomplish it's potential.
Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs.
They offer a thing they're calling an "opt-out."
The opt-out (a) is only available to companies who are slack customers, not end users, and (b) doesn't actually opt-out.
When a company account holder tries to opt-out, Slack says their data will still be used to train LLMs, but the results won't be shared with other companies.
LOL no. That's not an opt-out. The way to opt-out is to stop using Slack.
carpenter who's so fed up with the constantly changing wood specifications, and the way the 1 year old wood saw is not compatible with the latest wood version, and the people who were gifted a small table for no reason suddenly showing up with a huge questionnaire and wanting the table to be certified for potentially safety-critical industrial use free of charge just because, the carpenter just leaves all of that behind and starts a new career with computers.
What’ll really bake your noodle is when you realise how much DARVO is not just weaponised by angry men, but it’s been built into the structure of society.
It’s not that corporations spent decades colluding to bury the evidence of climate change, it’s that you don’t recycle enough.
It’s not that companies have repeatedly cut corners & staff to increase profits, and C-suite salaries, it’s that you don’t work hard enough to justify a salary increase.
It’s not that governments have collectively and consistently preferenced the wealthy landlord “investor” class in their policies, and made housing precarious and unaffordable, it’s that you ate too much avocado toast.
It’s not that the economy is structured around having a permanently unemployed pool of people, it’s that people are lazy and just don’t want to work.
I swear, people have these super computers in their pockets and home, and use them as dumb terminals to just rent other people’s computers and then are shocked when the person that owns the computer takes their stuff, or decides to shake them down for more money.
Fuck the cloud. Fuck streaming. Fuck subscriptions.
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.