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If you download your Twitter archive it arrives wrapped as a static HTML page, which is not very useful for doing anything with, and worse: it requires the original account to be still active to do useful things like enlarge the images since they use links.

So here's a Python script to convert a Twitter archive to markdown or other formats:

Now you can archive your tweets in any way you want.

The fediverse is just a bunch of LAN parties hooked up to each other.

*third eye suddenly opens* mastodon dot socialist

There has been a lot of research about autistics over the years, but this one really took the cake! 🍰

Find out what happened when researchers attempted to compare the moral compass of autistic and non-autistic people... (1/2)

#actuallyautistic #autism #neurodivergence #comic #art #MastoArt

Seven meetings in one day. 🙃 And at least four more this week. 😭

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I'm really not worried about Mastodon scaling issues at all.

When I left Twitter in 2008, we had roughly twice as many users as the current combined Mastodon network, all running on one MySQL server that had the same specs as a high-end 2013 MacBook Pro, plus roughly 10 web servers and 5 queue servers.

To be fair, growth wasn't as rapid, and we had local-infra advantages over federated systems, but these problems are solvable and I have no doubt will be fixed soon.

*Hugops to all admins!*

One of those special days where all the projects I've been working on have meetings at once. 🤪

Neat writeup on content moderation that looks at it from the perspective of behaviors and how they affect the social dynamics of a platform.

Hello World! is now on the fediverse. 🎉

Check out our releases page and recorded videos.

We're gonna have a bunch of documentation out in the next month or two to make it easier to get started.

60 years ago it was possible for a single income household to afford a small starter home mounted on giant chicken legs that would roam through the forest

and today my real estate agent says I can only afford a wooden raft mounted on a blanket of worms

Feels like I've found the old internet 🤗

Yay, really happy to see cool folks on the fedi coming from twitter 🥰

I wish Twitter's checkout feature also gave me the contents of all the tweets I liked and replied to so I can get a more full view of my history. 😢 I realize this would have implications on the privacy of the authors of those tweets tho.

I don't know who needs to hear this but

The postal service exists to deliver letters and parcels to people
Not to make money for shareholders

The transport system exists to move people to where they need to go
Not to make money for shareholders

The water, gas, and electricity supplies exist to provide people vital utilities
Not to make money for shareholders

The healthcare system exists to ensure (and that's ENsure, not INsure) the health of the population
Not to make money for shareholders

Shareholders in vital public services are a vampiric drain on those services

Capitalism is a disease

Just wrapping up an interview process, and dang, I really don't know if my written/speaking skills are good enough to pass it. 😂

Blows my mind that what folks refer to as "front end development" these days, would have just been "development" before tech normalized hiding the bulk of the product in centralized servers. :P

Ah yes, after saying to myself I'm gonna take the week off, a bunch of urgent ish stuff landed on my lap and I'm stuck doing work. :P

At least it's less than my usual load!

It'd be cool if all the Brands™️ went off to make their own bubble on the fediverse.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.