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@ArneBab @wakame @mlncn like, quite simply, how much better off would we all be if everyone had some basic first aid training and cpr, instead of just something you do at your own expense cos you’re a real good person?

Well, that didn't take long. We're starting to see almost-believable autogenerated text being used so spam our issue tracker.

There's a legitimate chance that ChatGPT and their ilk are going to kill participatory open source. How can you keep any forums open to the public, when anyone can just pour an arbitrary amount of generated garbage into them?

How do you tell a smart but green contributor who's still learning the language from a thousand bots spewing averacitous trash?

Learning new dynamics and social norms is hard. But it's worth it to enable collaboration.

Surprised I haven't come accross any p2p DoS attack tools.

Should be easy as hell to generate thousands of DHT entries that lead to invalid IPs.

Neat, a document on starting a .

Seems to be USA centric but I'm sure a bunch of stuff applies in other contexts too.

Might also want to checkout Hypha's organizational guidebook for how you could structure your coop.

The question shouldn't be "Why do Black folk see racism in everything?"

The question should be "Why do white folk not see any of this?"

The answer to the better question is of course, that there is an information delta between "what Black folk know about racism" and "what white folk know about racism."

Racist people don't want you to know any of this stuff. Because some people, on reading this stuff, say, "Sounds bad. We should maybe change things to be less bad?"

@mauve @lupyuen We have a Pinephone Pro installer image now, and it works quite well.

We would be very interested in closer collaboration with @PINE64

Do you live/work in the Berlin area + interested to meet accomplices in #OpenScience?

Reply to this post and I'll reach out to you with a link to join a new Signal group (mainly intended to coordinate meetings).

without trying to turn this into a power structure analysis

the problem with advice from managers is that it's often a list of things they can get away with, or got away with as senior engineers before making the leap

this list of "advice for engineers" is better framed as "what a good manager should look for"

because a bad one will still punish you anyway, especially if you show any form of autonomy or agency

I was planning to procrastinate today but never got around to it

Ahhh, I really want to save up for a ! They look so cool and portable. I'd love to use it instead of my car to get groceries and stuff. Bikes are too cumbersome for me and walking is way too far where I live.

I think I'd also settle for non shitty public transit too. 🤪

Federated timelines in mastodon are cool in that they increase post visibility and increase the opportunities for finding people you wouldn't otherwise, but it also removes a lot of the social context of seeing people based on who you're following.

I find this often leads to people bumping heads due to a lack of shared context and making negative assumptions that lead to endless discourse instead of finding each other through positive and building mutual understanding.

Please enter your username.

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You haven't signed in in a while. We've sent a confirmation code to your phone.

We don't recognize this browser. Please enter the security code we sent to your email.

Is your phone number up to date? Please confirm it by entering the code we just sent.

Did your email change? If not, please call the phone number we emailed to you, then enter the number read to you.

Just to be sure it's you, we've gotten in touch with your mom. Next time you see her, please enter the six-digit code she gives you.

SecureScuttlebutt ( ) is a great example of this where you see content from people you know or people that people you know know. This gives you the opportunity to listen to your intermediate connections for nuance rather than assuming whatever negative thing the post is coming off as.

Also makes room for moderation based on who you trust for moderation rather than only having the option of your instance moderators.

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present a new dynamic for where interactions are opt-in based on your social network rather than entire servers.

It also means that instances moderating content could leave room for individuals to connect to people they feel they don't want moderated.

E.g. some folks draw the line at blatant racism and transphobia, some folks draw the line at not explicitly hating cops. Right now lines apply to entire communities, but it could be individuals.

racism in tech 

Tech people stop excusing racism challenge (difficulty: impossible)

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.