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Netflix’s definition of a “family” is the latest example of technology biases written by and for rich white men and their families, ignoring the needs of billions of people living in the real world — @pluralistic

Ahhhh. I just wanna make it easy to create local-first applications over mesh networks. 🤯

frustrated tech rants 

God. Why do I curse myself with trying to use Linux?

I've wasted like 30 minutes just trying to get KMail to send my invoices over gmail. After hours fiddling before it managed to download emails, but now this shit has got me totally exasperated.

Do people not use gmail to send emails on KDE typically? How is the UX such shit?

Just realized my install doesn't come with a utility for taking pics with my Camera. 🙃

Finally, the year of Linux on the Desktop is upon us. /j

Lol, is like a trigger word activating my "infodump about databases" training.

Like my eyes just roll to the back of my head and I enter sicko mode. Really glad I wrote up that blog post so I can defer to it instead of flooding every single chat I'm in. :P

As Black and Brown queer, trans, & gender nonconforming folks, we often lack access to resources helping us thrive and maintain our well-being.

To accommodate folks looking for financial assistance, funds, fellowships, mental health, and other gender-affirming resources, we pulled together a recent and updated list of resources for our Resource Hub.

Our list of resources include funds, fellowships, grants, & other gender-affirming resources ✊🏽


I'm in hour 30 of a home internet outage (long story: my isp accidentally unplugged my cable uplink on monday and will replug it tomorrow) and it's been a while since I started using things in an offline mode.

Wow. So many things assume always-on connectivity these days. It's been an eye-opening experience.

There is very little graceful degradation of capabilities these days.

Hey folks! We've published our announcement blog post for the devgrant we've started to work on to add some tutorials and example apps to the Agregore website. You can read more about it here:


Just lost my job. Good thing I have like four others. :P


If people miss wizarding schools, may I offer some suggestions?

Here are ones I've read...
- Terry Pratchett's Unseen University books, especially _Sourcery_, are both funnier and deeper than Hogwarts.
- Ursula LeGuin wrote the _Earthsea_ series about magical training... and, again, examines the sexism behind so much fantasy.
- M. A. Larson wrote the _Pennyroyal Academy_, if you're looking for a fairly straight interpretation of the wizarding school trope.

None of those authors are transphobes.

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself rewritten in Rust for performance reasons.

…And on that last note, I’ve been trying to find alternatives to Raspberry Pi – would be very interested if folks have any leads… especially to boards that can be used for education.

#Education #singleBoardComputers #RaspberryPi #alternatives #ARM

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The nature of my work is that I won't know what my work situation will be like from month to month. New projects start and end about ever 6 months and it's a constant flow of chaos.

I really like it for the flexibility and novel stimulus, but the lack of long term stability has been a bit stressful sometimes.

There's some embedded cultural commentary on the fact news stories are asking if ChatGPT will replace your job instead of your boss's job.

It'd be cool if there was a standard for encrypted chat that was as easy to use as RSS feeds were for blog data.

I basically use my Matrix server with its bridges for that purpose, but it's with a lot of difficulty.

Also, feels like I should get back into RSS. :P

"Thanks for coming in for an interview. I see now you're an 'AI Researcher.' Unfortunately we don't allow stuff like ChatGPT work products, no matter how good the prompt."
"No, you don't understand, I specialize in researching AI."
"Like an AI artist? Again, we are not interested in machine-generated work. I don't think you're a match for this job I'm sorry."

In my opinion, ChatGPT really exposes the edifice of centering college around tests instead of instruction. This ignores what they should be measuring and how the world actually works, which is vibes.

The worst thing about having your password stolen is having to rename the dog.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.