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The Guide to Peer-to-Peer, Encryption, and Tor: New Communication Infrastructure for Anarchists

"An exhaustive anarchist overview and guide to various apps and tech that utilize peer-to-peer and encryption.

This is a discussion about digital tools for communicating securely and privately. To begin, it must be stressed that a face-to-face meeting, out of sight of cameras and out of earshot from other people and devices, is the most secure way to communicate. Anarchists were going for walks to chat long before encrypted texting existed, and they should still do so now, whenever possible."

Download and Print PDF Version from @igd_news
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#Surveillance #Metadata #Datasecurity #Datenschutz #activism #antireport #support

So AI can just use whatever text it hoovers up off the internet, but the IA can't even lend out e-books one by one?

If you need more evidence that our legal system is dominated by the interests of capital...

ddlog goes surprisingly hard, i actually want to try n use it for something

Mastodon is basically The Danger Room from X-Men. a bunch of unpredictable obstacles and enemies designed to keep you on your toes, but at the end of the day none of it is real and you voluntarily walked here for some reason.

Today's coding mood.

Listening to this while reviewing a big PR we've been working on for months.

@AnarchistFederation "If we frame our struggle as an attempt to change the minds of our oppressors, we will eventually become disillusioned and tired when we cannot secure our demands or when repression increases."

I remember when Aaron Swartz was criminally prosecuted for downloading too many academic journal articles, but, sure, it's totally cool to scrape everyone's personal photographs as part of a commercial effort to market discriminatory surveillance tech to police departments.

Mostly excited to get through the main stuff today so that I can mess around with my Steam Deck. Gotta figure out how I'm gonna program on this thing and if I can get stuff like Talon working for speech to text.

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Back on the grindset.
Step 1: Figure out bank stuff
Step 2: add more advanced logic to the nginx file serving in
Step 3: Write unit tests for WACZ file chunking with IPFS

Or honestly I would love to have the option to migrate my data to another backend :x

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How hard is it to migrate a mastodon instance to one of the forks? I'm curious to play around with my options

Shrek rave on trans day of visibility with some queer pals was pretty fun. 💜

Software that you cannot compile on a 8 core CPU in under 8 hours should not be called open source even if under a OSS license.
Do I have to have a f-ing mainframe to run your crap?
How am I supposed to reproduce your software?

In 2025 you will need a 120C CPU with TBs of memory to compile Chromium, and then it will still segfault because some boomer forgot to properly initialize a GTK object.
OSS corpo-ware is a load of crap.

For anyone curious, this is what I listen to to get through linux server deployments.

A source of new Fediverse accounts is

46,862 were discovered during the past day.

Brighteon is known for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories all over Facebook and Twitter, and it looks like they’re trying their hand at the Fediverse now.

I’ve looked at the accounts on that server, and the overwhelming majority look like bots. The goal seems to be spamming misinformation.

I recommend putting on #Fediblock.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.