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I honestly think treatment of poor and homeless folks has been an ongoing test of see what they can get away with.

Public works employees destroying lives for a wage.

This is super cool. This person reverse engineered the USB protocols for some of the off the shelf glasses out there like the and .

Dang... all the old methods of hacking work. And they keep working...

One day I'll be 1337... today, I'll just be brute forcing telnet services like I'm the Mirai botnet...

Can't stop, won't stop.

#hacking #infosec

Dreaming of getting to Inbox Zero on my GitHub notifications. 😩 Been hard to keep track with all my work stuff lately.

Even though my dev setup while docked on my is pretty much the same as what I had on my NUC, the extra little screen has been nice for playing my shows and music player while I work.

Now if I only I had time to get this flatpak build working for so I wouldn't lose my history every time the AppImage extracted. 🤔

"you _would'nt_ download an AI !" ...

well ... that's what we can find on bittorrent nowadays ...

#llm #AI #AIIsGoingGreat

holy shit this thing is really fun to use with the head mounted display!I can actually conveniently walk around and still browse mastodon and write code and stuff.

what's also coolest that fixing speech to text issues is easier because I can select the mistake and respeak it so that it overwrites that section

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it's actually a lot of fun because I have the python code open in an editor and every time I find a problem I just added the code save and reload the model

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Having a proper window manager on a portable device is actually very convenient

this speech to text thing is also convenient even though i don't have everything set up for it yet

BTW my talk on software from is already out on YouTube!

This paints my vision for how / tech can fit in with networks with @agregore / / @webrecorder to create a new foundation for resilient and cheaper technology.

I'm a mega-boomer in that it's very much "web or bust" for me. I will take absolutely every other option before installing an app.

Tried to pay for parking recently and they got rid of their web based payment portal but luckily they still had a physical machine.

I'd be more willing to call somewhere or mail a cheque TBH.

I had a lot of fun at this week, but I'm really thankful to be back home with my pets and plushies too. 🥰

violet cybrespace decodes the qr code on a fast food drink cup using pen and paper, long post 

in my (seemingly eternal) quest to learn how to read qr codes by eye, i figured it was time to just sit down with a qr code and decode it with only a pen and paper (and the qr code specification and an ascii table because i don't have that memorized yet)

anyway, i got a drink from mcdonald's that had a relatively small version 2M code on it (which is about as small of a qr code that can still fit a reasonable amount of data in it) and i did all the work to unmask the data and extract the various blocks of modules to figure out the message itself. the message is just a bitly link that directs you to download their app from your respective app store but that's not really relevant

when copying down the original code, i chose to draw the locator features and the version information in a different color than the masked data. this made it easier in the unmasking step to not accidentally waste time trying to unmask static features of the code

only the first 5 bits of the version information encode data (the rest is error correction) and of that the main thing you need to worry about is the 3 bits for the mask pattern but once you have that it's straightforward to unmask the data. the mask patterns are defined as like modular arithmetic statements but since they all rely on "mod 2"s and "mod 3"s i like to just imagine them as a 6x6 pattern that tiles over the data sections of the code. if you look closely you can see the orange tick marks around the outside of the codes that i drew to keep track of where the mask patterns tiled

the two main conveniences that made this a lot easier are the fact that qr codes have their entire data section at the start and all of the error correction comes later and also the fact that this is a small enough code that the error correction is done in one single block. in larger qr codes, the data is split into even groups of 8-bit codewords (up to around 80 groups) and the data is interleaved between all of those groups

anyway, like i said, the eventual goal is to be able to do all of the work that filled up a whole sheet of paper in my head but i am a long way from that future and this is literally one of the first steps

"It's not public transit if it's not fare-free"
Spotted in Downtown Toronto, Ontario

So it’s up to you whether you want to give away licenses to your content. You have been led to believe that the necessary cost of using internet services is to give away a broad license. It’s not, you have options.

(1) Twitter Terms of Service:
(2) Bluesky Terms of Service:
(3) Mastodon Privacy Policy (

#twittermigration #ContentLicense

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Sometimes, I just use `return` as a means to comment out code when redoing a function.

"A social network is about the feature's you don't implement" - @nasser

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.