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@mcc @gzrrt @nyc
off, sorry :)
usually i shorten as 'social', but hear me out

So, here is an example:

I would like to "boost" this post on my Mastodon account. I can't… figure out how. With Mastodon statuses on remote servers, I can paste an URL in the "Search or paste URL" box. That doesn't work. So I don't know what else to do.

So, if I (a relative power user who builds her own bespoke Mastodon Android client) can't figure this out, the ActivityPub interop promise is failing. But, never mind that. Is there a cheat code to make this work?

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#Reddit just banned a subreddit that helped people find alternatives to their platform. The platform in question is I encourage everybody to check it out.

#RedditBlackout #Redditapi #redditd #federated #lemmy #kbin #redditAlternative

It's neat how Muon Tomography is just a non scifi thing we have available as humans now.

This whole thread on #a11y on Linux is really sad to read. I think there’s a few things getting lost there, like how Sun used to pay a whole team of engineers to work on accessibility for GTK2, or how X wasn’t designed to enable accessibility but just happened to not get in the way of it because it had no concept of isolating clients. Wayland not having put much thought into enabling accessibility needs sucks a lot.

Even for me, the decline of accessibility on the Linux desktop is noticeable. My eyesight is currently good enough that I don’t need Orca etc. but I do use it at times. It allows me to use a computer but give my eyes some rest. Especially GTK4 apps are hard to deal with. This also makes any Linux-based phone a likely no go for me in the end.

When it comes to Qt, yeah it’s great that they have a plan and all. People love to point that out. “KDE has a plan, Gnome just closes issues.” But a plan and welcoming input on it doesn’t translate to accessible software today and it doesn’t look like much implementation progress is happening on that front. The plan will soon be old enough to vote.

This is also the reason I’m really not excited about everyone’s custom GUI toolkit and a “ya we’ll plonk accessibility onto it later”. I’m hoping AccessKit becomes viable at some point, but it’s a difficult thing to get right especially across platforms.

The reality is that probably even for myself, I will find myself back on macOS as I get older. Unless IBM, Canonical, SuSE etc. pull a Sun and fund an accessibility team for the Linux desktop again. I don’t strictly need a screen reader, but at some point at least having the option to use VoiceOver is going to outweigh my desire to use a free desktop.

What can I add... the job market is kinda abysmal right now. A ton of companies have done substantial layoffs over the last few weeks and a lot of folks at all experience levels are looking all at once in the US.

Cybersecurity is still a substantially more stable space than a lot of other IT fields. My heart breaks for a lot of development roles right now. However, if you have something that is stable but just okay, I'd recommend sticking with it for the next year or so unless you have a solid and guaranteed move. The economy and investment is going to take a while to recover. Also, plan to have to move if you are part of layoffs. Have a resume ready to go, and a safety net of some sort and a plan if you are able to. Take care of your mental health.

If you're a student, I'm really sorry. I graduated during the last recession and I truly understand this is awful. Strongly suggest you target a specific niche and skillset within cybersecurity that is in higher demand and less competitive, and consider moving to something more specific later. Have your resume reviewed by a hiring manager and a professional editor. Participate in networking and in-person community events as much as you can. Meet people. Everything gives you an advantage!

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🎉 We have a new release! 🎉

It ships with features that have been brewing for a while: we are pushing use cases that blend peer discovery with a novel app model called Web Tiles.

All the details about this release are at

A quick overview:

1. Device discovery is now more user friendly and integrated in the contacts and sharing apps.


Hey ! I'll be doing a workshop on at 1RG on Thursday June 15th. We'll be setting up @agregore and learning to code up some basic JS/HTML/CSS to make our own peer to peer web apps.

PeerTube, the Fediverse's alternative to YouTube, is normally associated with video. However, you can also upload audio files directly to PeerTube. It will accept lots of audio formats including .mp3, .ogg, .aac, .flac, .wma etc.

You can optionally upload an image file as a thumbnail. If not, audio files will show a black screen by default.

You can find out more about PeerTube at

#PeerTube #FediTips #Audio #Music #Podcasts #Fediverse

Don’t get me heckin’ started on places which make their websites a nightmare to use or make the interface suck when you’re not logged in. No, Reddit, I don’t want to use your app. I’m here in a browser on purpose; you don’t have to ask me every page-load. Freaking set a cookie and stop bothering me. If I *were* going to use an app, it would be Apollo, but apparently you can’t stand how much better their app is than yours and are trying to kill them now?

Enshitification sucks so badly. Ugh.

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Are there any folks that use and their ChromeVox screen reader? I was wondering if it suites their needs. I don't have a chromebook to test at the moment but I'm thinking of alternatives to raw linux and that's top on my list.

Wouldn't it be funny if all the workers of the world were to unite? Like as a bit

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“Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue.” At this point, developers shouldn’t build their apps against commercial APIs. Open standards or nothing; the risk is too great. #Technology

Linux GUI 

But, enough about GTK. I'm now moving on to xorg and wayland.

Xorg was good. It was buggy, it was not especially secure for various things, but it worked. More importantly, it allowed the screen reader to perform relatively good.

Wayland, on the other hand, is the complete oposite. Oh sure it works for general use. But the minute you try to use mouse emulation to click on an element of the interface, be it on a website or in a program, orca crashes. Don't ask me why, I don't know. Orca is now no longer allowed to provide a clipboard, either. The excuse the wayland folks gave was security. Applications that lack a window, focused window at that, will not be allowed to use the clipboard. Well, guess what? To be able to copy the content of a window for example an error message to share it with people for assistance, one needs to focus that window. Not orca. Oh, and by the way, it's been *years* orca has had a window.

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Linux GUI 

So, at the beginning, Linux started with console only for us blind folks. It is only in 2007 or so that the GUI really started taking off. Back in the days of gnome 2, the accessibility was extremely impressive. The UI was fluid, and every program in ubuntu (that's what I was using back then) was seemingly designed with accessibility in mind. Reality was probably different, but to me, it seemed this way. I loved it. Ubuntu 8.10 was the first Linux I ever used. Of course, QT was not even on the table yet when it came to accessibility, but, it was the glorious days of GTK.

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I'm kind of surprised that this forum for figuring out ActivityPub specifications requires account creation instead of supporting ActivityPub.

I'm entering my chameleon era. I just got my new head mounted display in the mail and have a separate screen and each eye with different windows. I'm practicing switching between reading one or the other and overlapping windows in the same space and my vision

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Eeeee. My headset came in! It's decent and actually works which is all I could ask for.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.