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Going to be speaking on a panel for the 2023 #solarpunk conference! called "From Capitalist Realism to a Solarpunk Reality: Theorizing and Building the Infrastructures of a Better Future". Where we challenge the idea of what's 'realistic'. With a Q&A session after the talks!

Our talks will be building off each other's work, blending academic & activist methods, techniques, and thoughts with concrete, real-world examples. These ideas are guided by sociopolitical movements and feminist, queer, and indigenous thought.

A sneak peek into my own talk! I'll be telling a narrative story of how we can build dual power through collective action, with actionable examples mixed in that highlight steps that we can take right now - steps that might snowball into larger change.

Wild how programmers can throw more system resources at a problem instead of making the underlying components faster. I guess it's easier to grow than optimize?

Everything happening with Reddit will happen with GitHub.

I know that ActivityPub has this "group" concept, and the software seems to have some tentative support for it (type @news into the Search Or Paste URL box. There's a little "Group" tag there?). Maybe it would make UX sense if every*
single Fediverse instance published a virtual "group" of itself that just encapsulated whatever its equivalent of following the local firehose feed is.

* Assuming this is compatible with the privacy/user safety norms of that instance.

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I find it cool that I can view lemmy posts from the comfort of my Mastodon instance. Unsure how interacting with groups would work in general, but I guess I can at least comment on stuff?

If anyone is interested I've started up a Godot community on lemmy for those who are migrating from reddit!

Feel free to join and show off your stuff as people start moving over to it :), weve got a showoff thread where you can showcase your current work or you can make a separate post for it

(You can see the posts from right here on mastodon as well, just search for the url above in the search bar (with https:// in front of it))

#godotengine #godot #gamedev #lemmy

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries. - Anne Herbert

@masukomi @webrecorder

yep, we can save all kinds of peripheral stuff like "threads i participated in" or whatever, but can't predict the things we want to look up next week. impossible problem.

one of the reasons i've been interested in IPFS is that content addressing as a primitive allows *loose* coordination down the road, for those kinds of content systems.

there's no universe where anything HTTP+DNS gets us future-protective publishing, let alone coordination+linking.

Cool idea for art schools: block IPs of Adobe license verification servers for one week each semester to simulate the future.

Just a reminder that leaving content in closed platforms is a good way to lose it. Take some time *this week* to move your key information out of Slack, Discord, Reddit, Google Docs, etc. and into text files or html pages on the open web for folks to find.

Always Be Opening.

📢 Funding opportunity!

We're thrilled to launch the Open Infrastructure Fund pilot, which offers 5-25k USD to projects worldwide that strengthen resilience + increase adoption of #openinfrastructure underpinning research & scholarship.

We are committed to reserving at least 60% of the funds available to applicants working in/services widely adopted in Low and Middle Income Economies (LMIEs).

Applications are accepted in both Spanish and English.

Find out more at

personal stuff, dating 

Been on "the apps" tryin to meet new folks locally. One guy opened by giving me a small poem. Gave him a longer poem in kind. It'd be nice to see how long we can keep it going.

Did a couple of hours of coding at the library with my + combo. Had my Rii i8+ keyboard in my hands for controlling it. It was nice to be able to shift into any position I felt comfortable with without having to adjust a monitor or deal with placing a laptop in a comfortable location. I just sat my deck on a side table and put the glasses on my face.

"Instead of everything having to go to Amazon East in order to share a cat picture, we can instead discover each other on our local network and exchange data directly with each other. So taking peer-to-peer protocols and mashing them with mesh networks makes both of these systems more resilient and powerful." - @mauve

Learn more about local-first software by watching Mauve's talk: #localfirstsoftware #p2p

I wonder if we're going to see fewer social media startups in the future try formats where communities can self-organize, since the best way keep the end user powerless is probably algorithmic feeds.

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Honestly not a fan of "idiomatic" go encouraging single character variable names. Makes reading people's code a bit more work that having clear names for what all the vars are supposed to be.

The only good anti-homeless architecture is a home 😤

Along with the strike on #reddit, the organizing of volunteer moderators and contributors on #StackExchange feels like more and more people are realizing that it is their labour which makes these digital places so useful.

It is digital labour, social labour, cultural labour and knowledge labour being exploited by commercial platforms. Organizing and strikes are important steps in realizing this relationship of exploitation.

Feminist thinkers have a lot to say about the exploitation of social work, especially if it is unpaid and framed as not being work at all. Laurel Ptak once made a clever remix of the "Wages Against Housework" manifesto from the 1970s. Ptak called it "Wages for Facebook", and in it she writes:

> By denying our facebook time a wage while profiting directly from the data it generates and transforming it into an act of friendship, capital has killed many birds with one stone. First of all, it has got a hell of a lot of work almost for free, and it has made sure that we, far from struggling against it, would seek that work as the best thing online.

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ssh is so fucking cool. wireless is so fucking cool. I type some shit in my computer and it screams invisible light to the computer next to me. the same light I see, it sees too, just in a different spectrum.
and then it screams to the void. and, from far far away, something hears, and responds. and their language is color and light, and their words are so fast that they are imperceptable to our world, in the glow of a fading summer sun
all of that to relay a command to a device a meter away
all of that to communicate another nothing

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.