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@grumpasaurus @likesoldmacs

Parallel universe where Halmark makes films just for this corner of the fedi. I could curl up with a hot coco and watch that.

"This Holiday Season find as many legs as you find blessings with a heart-warming tale of cellar romance and damp tidings: It's a Christmas Myriapoda"

K, how obnoxious would it be for me to change my calendar booking thing to have people meet me in a Mozilla Hubs space instead of the usual video call? :P

Instead of complaining about the cost of #UniversalBasicIncome, we should be complaining about the high cost of the lack of it.

The true cost of UBI is the net cost. The net cost of zero UBI is way too high while the savings and growth from a full UBI could exceed its net cost.

Ty for the responses! It looks like wax (recommended by @technicat) seems to be closest to what I was looking for. It remains to be seen if the constrained environment would lead to usable code still.

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Are there any flavors that aim to transpile to other programming languages? Seems like it'd be handy to have a way to make libraries than can be reused in other langs. Lisp just seems like a simple enough set of syntax for transpiling.

my brain is still kind of full of slime due to rona. sadly I don't think I could give my body any more days off just sleep and need to get some stuff out or the way work wise

finally fixed a bunch of issues that were getting in the way of me using my computer but now I am too exhausted to actually use the computer to do the stuff I actually need to do.

honestly tired of being sick

I gave myself the gift of an improved controller layout.

now I should be able to navigate more efficiently as well as have some bindings that I didn't have enough buttons for before.

now I just need to train the new muscle memory.

For real, just post hole occasionally on the tl and threads will defederate from you first

Having a surprisingly hard time finding outdoor lights that dot require an app of some sort to operate. Am I behind the times in wanting something I can just plug in and leave up? Though I'vejust been looking at places in walking distance. It's frustrating how much more convenient online shopping is for buying something specific

It's that time of the year where wrather lulls you into a false sense of safety as it warms up just before it doubles down on winter for the next 4 months. 🥲

Excited to see how people talk abour shrek 30 years from now. (assuming anyone that knows of shrek's existence is still alive then ig)

- The fact we have a flagship instance and that didn’t close signups ages ago is a huge part of the problem. They could have set a social precedent (large instances are a no-no) – they didn’t.

- When Threads federates, it will become the flagship instance.

- Eugen is basically handing the crown to Mark.

- The fact there is a crown to start with is a shortcoming of the federated model with instances that can scale indefinitely. (How else could things be done? See #SmallWeb)

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My favorite part of the web is that it makes things hackable. Stuff like userscripts or even being able to muck around in devtools makes it so much more empowering than native apps that give you a "take it or leave it" approach to apps.

Mobile apps make me so mad because they give me no control over my device even with the prospect of "app permissions".

Excited for the holidays so that I can get work done without being interrupted by meetings 🥰

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.