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Is there a software or an app that, given a URL, can download the main body of text in a simple (e.g. markdown or minimal html) format?

Been thinking about link rot, I want to archive some interesting articles, social media posts, etc.


Any reason I shouldn't get a to replace my lil Intel NUC setup? Mostly for some dev workflows and having it docked into my large screen + my BT keyboard and trackpad.

Also been thinking it'd be handy to have for basic with and some sort of cheap headset like an Light

Neat! Looks like some folks have added support for the R1 to the engine.

Hopefully this will make it easier to build stuff for the less Big Tech side of :P

Godot+Lynx could be a nice alternative to Unity+Quest.

Starting to think AI was a conspiracy cooked up by Big GPU to sell people more GPUs sincr cryptomining isn't as fashionable these days.

At least the beefy GPUs will be doing something more funky

Also, I’m now referring to instances as “community servers”.

Admins and devs might prefer “instances”, but this is confusing to everyone else.

What people need to know is that they can run their own community on a “server” that they control.

@playdate @fediversenews @panic

Someone wrote in asking for technical support, asking for a very specific installer for a specific piece of software, apparently no longer available for download from our site.

Here's the weird part: Neither this software nor an installer for it have ever existed. (Was this software someone else wrote, that we're just hearing about for the first time?)

After several back and forth messages asking for detail and where they heard about this software, it turns out that it all came from ChatGPT.

Is there an alternative to the but with full instead of their janky setup? I've been thinking about it and a mobile vr setup that lets me arrange windows around me is really all I want from a computer right now and seems to be the furthest along for that.

Boggles my mind that scientists and mathematicians had to go so long without access to computers for running calculations and simulations. 🤯

Wild that humanity got as far as it did without them.

Would you prefer a 4-day workweek?

Last year, 61 companies in UK tested a 4-day week with 20% fewer hours. Results:

65% fewer sick days taken & 57% drop in departures to competitors.

39% of employees had less #stress; 71% had less #burnout.

Revenues rose 1.4% on average.

“Many questioned whether we would see an increase in productivity to offset the reduction in working time – but this is exactly what we found,” a study team member said.

#jobs #workplace #health

@futurebird Paying for reach is so depressing. Like, what's the point of following someone if you're not necessarily even going to see their content in your feed? Are you supporting creators if they have to pay Meta for every post, just so you might see it? And it's not like creators are paying for access. No, they'd have access if feeds weren't full of stuff that nobody asked for. They're paying to offset the revenue Meta could have made from selling that slot to someone else.

If you're like me, then you were really happy to learn about Mastodon's enthusiastic support for image descriptions, and you were really eager to join in.

Then you went to actually write something and realized you have no idea how to present visual information in a way that is helpful/enjoyable to those who are #VisuallyImpaired or #Blind.

I found this guide really informative:

Of course, I'd also love to hear any additional tips y'all might have!


Could any folks on here that use comment on what keyboard shortcuts they find useful for navigating web content?

Are there any web apps yoy use that make it even easier to get to the info you want?

My "position" on #Wildebeest — and really all #ActivityPub software — is as follows: If it lets you migrate your followers in and out, sure, give it a try; If it does not, you should be VERY wary of using it for your important accounts.

Wildebeest does not let you transfer your followers to/from it, ergo it should not be used, lest you find yourself locked-in to Cloudflare's ecosystem forever. Whether or not you like #Cloudflare is irrelevant, you should not tie your fediverse identity to any company permanently.

It's very frustrating for me to see even large ActivityPub implementations that have been around forever not implement follower migrations. Even #Pixelfed doesn't (although I hear that may be coming this year). Anyways... I asked them if they might implement it, but I don't exactly have my hopes up.

ai, LLM talk 

A scary part of large language models is that a significant portion of the represented ideas and mannerisms within them come from terminally online.

Like, a lot of normal people just don't post online enough for their worldviews to be encoded in there. 😨

Just published this talk about my vision for Holistic Local-First Sofrware and the parts that can be brought together to make it real.

Reddit: "My friend is in university and taking a history class. The professor is using ChatGPT to write essays on the history topics and the students need to mark up its essays and point out where ChatGPT is wrong and correct it."

Honestly, this is great! The students learn to check sources, discover that ChatGPT is unreliable, *and* can't use it to generate essay question answers for them, all at the same time!

Dear web developer,

please let me use the back button im my browser when you build something that brings me from one page to another.

Thank you!
Yours truly,

PS: <a href=""> is pretty fuckin' dope. It's also well supported by browsers. Check it out!

Roses are red, coding is pain
git push --force origin main

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.