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Seeking #developer #advice ❤️ 🤔

We want to create a webby GUI app for accessing federated forge network, a bit like Element is to Matrix 🖥️

Been considering to write from scratch using Tauri, Tailwind, didn't pick a language :git:

Now considering to fork #GitHub Desktop instead! Replace GitHub API with ForgeFed and tweak the UI etc. :github:

It's an existing codebase with over 33k commits

Is it a good idea to fork? Thoughts/concerns/advice? And boost 🙏


I'm not worried about the AI apocalypse. I'm worried about the "VCs subsidize AI tech and sell it at a loss just long enough to make everyone rely on them (aka 'disrupting the knowledge worker industry') before bumping the price up and quality down just like Uber and Amazon and the rest" apocalypse. #ai #vc

AI LLM Coding 

Are there any of these "coding assistants" that are CLI based instead of part of an IDE?

I think the main thing holding me back from trying them out right now is that my CLI is my IDE and I run scripts fore everything that I can't do in Nano.

I'd really like to avoid having to install an entire IDE with yet another chromium backend just to get some fancy code autocomplete. 😅

anti homeless architecture under capitalism


anti homeless architecture under socialism

Tis that time of the month when grant deadlines are coming up and I need to scramble to keep up. :)

They don't stop comin'!

> Set up a new VM
> `ufw enable`
> "Are you sure, this might bust your SSH sessions"
> yeah sure fine
> Realize I forgot to enable the SSH rule
> No recovery account

Good thing I didn't load it up with any services yet. :P My reward is to have to rebuild the machine from a base image and delete the SSH key from known_hosts.

Writing some ansible scripts to automate spinning these guys up. (this is for

@mauve There's a lot of alternatives. Some that come to mind are Yandex (, Brave search (, and Searx (instances at

So where should I be going for search if not DuckDuckGo? (defs not Google or regular Bing either).

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Is it just me or have search results been getting worse lately too? It feels like the top results are having way more ads and SEO garbage in them and don't get to the point as much.

After some time I’ve found a way to upcycle Chromebooks to run the latest version of Ubuntu and boot to an external USB drive while maintaining the ChromeOS. The WiFi chips in these models also can create their own wifi networks so they can be short range routers.
What does this actually mean? Instead of requiring new hardware like a raspberry pi, we can take old Chromebooks that schools get rid of in the thousands and actually reuse them to create portable micro servers. Pack them full of offline books, maps, wikis, etc.
There is a major upside compared to using an old Chromebook over a raspberry pi, mainly that it's actually cheaper and can be free depending on how you source your chromebooks. I got 10 at $30 each which is cheaper than a pi or a pi alternative.

The battery life is also insane. I used it for close to 12 hours and it didn't even hit 50% battery loss. They also take very little time to charge so I'm interested to see how much power they might take up while attached to the off grid solar array.

So the plan is to make the docs and work some more on making these into portable offgrid information stations and packing them with info.
#solarpunk #permacomputing

Algorithmic influence over people's minds is exactly why we should be trying to get our friends and family off of corpo social media and onto less sophisticated systems like the

If everyone stays on Facebook/Twitter/Tiktok/Instagram we'll have more and more people getting puppeted even harder than mass media has been already.

I generally have a lot of anxiety about "big" purchases (anything over 100 dollars TBH) so I end up deliberating whether it's worth it for literal months if not years before doing the purchase.

I think part of it too is that I have an aversion to having any unnecessary "stuff" in my life. Especially since my lack of object permanence means that once I put something away I'll literally forget it exists unless I have an explicit need for it.

It's expensive to be poor. It's ironic but true. You get charges and fees for everything. Higher interest rates. Overdraft fees. Late fees. Having only enough to buy what you need right now instead of buying in bulk. Losing your job because you can't afford to get your car fixed. Losing your car because you don't have a job. Even your mental faculties are drained, as you are forced to continually eat low-nutrition foods, "sleep" in miserable conditions, and be exposed to toxins and lack of medical treatment. The lack of liquidity wipes you out. Life really does kick you while you're down.

You can't tell someone trapped in that vicious cycle to "just" get a job or "just" make responsible decisions. Sometimes, no amount of good decision-making can stop the vortex sucking them down. So the next time you are tempted to place moral judgment on someone who lives in poverty, think twice.

Signed, someone who has been both a Have and a Have-Not.

2. Nreal Air display. I tried a shittier version of this in the past (Mad Gaze) and it was almost good enough for typical use. I think this thing will be a good companion for when I'm on the plane and want to do some productivity stuff or maybe walking around. Might also be useful once there are drivers for this thing and I can use @stardustxr with it.

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1. BOOX Mira USB-C display. I have a little Boox e-reader and have been liking it for reading manga on the go. I'm currently using an LCD USB-C monitor so the form factor works great. I think this would be useful for improving battery usage + working outside.

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Thread of stuff I wanna buy. Will "like" my own toot if I get it.

Want to spend a week in the California redwoods to meet others and share tactics on building a better, more decentralized, cooperative, and interoperable web?

Register now for DWeb Camp >>>

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.