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My brain is kinda exhausted from first wrestling with Linux and Ansible automation, and then wrestling with JavaScript type hell in trying to get some p2p libraries to work.

Gonna decompress before bed by live-coding a lil in with some basic and

So if you haven't yet, try installing the latest pre-release of Agregore and follow along.

Alright! Now that v2.0.0 of Agregore is out, the rendering should be fixed up and it can auto-resolve `index.gmi` under hyper:// when you visit. You can render the raw directory listing by adding `?noResolve` to the end of the URL such as hyper://

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Hey folks! The 2.0.0 release of has been tagged and compiled! This features fixes for , an upgraded -Protocol, and better support for when loading it from protocols. This also involves an upgrade of Electron to 23 and an overhaul to using ESM for the back ends.

Download it and check it out for yourself!

I'm gonna go fix this mime type issue and add the ability to resolve `index.gmi` and make sure the mime types for `.gemini` and `.gmi` work correctly accross protocols.

But hopefully this has shown folks that it's pretty easy to to get something p2p out there.

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Now that I have some basics in there, lemme add a DNS address: hyper://

I use namecheap for DNS but you should be able to use whatever you want as long as it supports DNS TXT records.

TXT _dnslink.gem dnslink=/hyper/sqtc3rcay8hcg3y8ehcrc66zpiceufstcwupukrggf5eukwp7xdo

And bam! I now have a nice looking URL for my blog and it just took a few commands in my devtools and a single DNS record. No servers required!

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K, lets delete the old file and make a new one:

await fetch('README.gemini', {method: 'delete'})
await fetch('/index.gmi', {
method: 'PUT',
body: `
# Mauve's Gemblog!
Wow this sure is something.
Way more advanced than my HTML based blog!



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Honestly, this is all you need to get a basic blog up and running. From here you an change the URL in the `fetch()` API call to whatever page you want and add the gemtext into the `body`. Each time you'll be overwriting what was there before.

Whoops! I got the file extension wrong. Seems it's just loading it as Markdown. :P Most of the formatting works anyway. Hopefully folks looking at this in the future will see the fixed version. Also I think I got the file extension wrong?

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Navigating to the URL will give me an empty index. So first thing I'll do is add my "homepage" under `/README.gemini`. Sadly I don't have a thing to resolve `index.gemini` yet, but I wanna add that next time I get a chance. Gonna read these docs to brush up on my gemtext: gemini://gemini.circumlunar.sp

res = await fetch('/README.gemini', {
method: 'PUT',
body: `# Mauve's Gemblog!`
await res.text()

Now I can reload and click to open the page

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Next I'm going to use the `fetch()` API to create a new `hyper://` website based on a "pet name" for the key. Every time I use this human readable name it will resolve to the same human-unreadable public key URL.

I got back hyper://sqtc3rcay8hcg3y8ehcrc66zpiceufstcwupukrggf5eukwp7xdo/ which is the public URL for my new site (currently empty)

res = await fetch('hyper://localhost/?key=gemblog', {method: 'POST'})
await res.text()

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First thing I'm gonna do is open agregore://welcome to get a fresh page and hit ctrl+shift+i to open up the devtools. You can also use `File > Open Dev Tools` or right click on the page and hit `Inspect`.

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First, I'm going to create a new based website. This used to be called and I think is now called (all very hard to search for :P ).

You can find the docs for the protocol handlers here:

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My brain is kinda exhausted from first wrestling with Linux and Ansible automation, and then wrestling with JavaScript type hell in trying to get some p2p libraries to work.

Gonna decompress before bed by live-coding a lil in with some basic and

So if you haven't yet, try installing the latest pre-release of Agregore and follow along.

I feel like a lot of devs are sleeping on and using one to store more "data" related state in order to keep logic on actual pages more sparse.

E.g. have your connection to the backend and your IndexedDB caching layer in the shared worker, then have pages load some basic web components and query the backend.

This works better for multi-window/tab setups which used to be the default in desktop apps back in the day.

Now it's all tied in a single page monolith.

1990s web experience

- Open site in browser
- Watch framework of site gradually appear
- Start reading site text
- View images once they load
- Click a hyperlink to more information on the thing you're looking for

2020s web experience

- Open site in browser
- Wait for Cloudflare to verify you aren't a bot
- Wait for background movie to load
- Dismiss cookie popup
- Decline to subscribe to their mailing list
- Decline to speak to a chatbot that promises it's a human
- Scroll infinitely looking for the information you want that's probably not there since it's all generated text intended for other robots to read anyway

Low key all I want from any computing device is to be able to open up a terminal and mess with its guts.

This is why I love the web and `inspect element` so much.

GNOME's devtools are kinda cool, but it's way more constrained.

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Feeling nostalgic about some experiments I did 3 years ago where I was live editing virtual scenes in on my shitty Android phone with Google Cardboard.

I'm still a believer that speech based programming could be viable for making simple interactions possible in

We don't talk enough about the absurdity of rich countries emitting lots of CO₂ and then asking poor countries to offset those emissions.

Excited for this to come in so I can start messing with key bindings. I'm guessing I can get some speech to text combined with tab completion from key bindings to boost my productivity.

Might also be nice for taking public transportation in the future.

Sad that the battery life sucks so hard, but that's what my omnicharge is for I suppose. :P

transhumanism, crapitalism 

Honestly having a digital brain wouldn't be so bad if not for us existing in a capitalist hellscape.

Reading Greg Egan's writing gives me so much hope for being able to surpass my body's physical limitations. Sadly it's science fiction and I'll likely be stuck in this shell for my existence.

Bananas that Github actually had to issue a fresh SSH cert.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.